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The Chamber plans summer events | News, Sports, Jobs


Photo from Daily Press Kit Young people enjoy a carnival walk at the 2019 UP State Fair in this file photo. The Delta County Chamber of Commerce has planned more than a dozen events over the summer.

ESCANABA – The Delta County Chamber of Commerce is partnering with various organizations to bring 14 events to the community in 2021.

The House will revisit the year the organization was formed at its Roaring 20s fundraising gala at the Island Resort and Casino sponsored by OSF Health Care on May 22. of the group, Passion. As summer dawns, the House will host its annual golf outing to Highland Golf Course on June 3rd.

The return of the Island Resort Championship from the LPGA Symmetry Tour to Sweetgrass in Harris is scheduled for June 11-13. The Chamber, as the main sponsor, will once again organize nearly 300 volunteer teams to help the tournament run as smoothly as possible. Spectators will see emerging golfers rise to LPGA professional status.

On July 1, head to the new Delta County Trade Center for the Chamber’s Centennial Celebration with food, drink, music, and tours of the Webster Marble Inventing the Outdoors Museum, UP Museum Veterans and the UP Honor Flight Legacy Museum. audience during the centenary celebration.

Several activities will take place during the three-day HOG Rally on the Great Lakes, July 22-24. Hundreds of Harleys will pass through Escanaba in the Friday parade. There will be food, drinks and music at the municipal wharf in the afternoon.

The Michigan Walleye Tour runs August 6-8 as 120 two-person teams travel to the Bays de Noc in search of championship walleyes.

The Upper Peninsula State Fair will be held August 16-22. The grandstand lineup includes Helen Debacker, Buckcherry, Josh Turner, Hairball, Heart to Heartbreaker and Crazy Babies, as well as the North East Ohio Dukes Stunt Show and UPIR Racing.

The 75th Annual Great Lakes Logging and Heavy Equipment Exhibition will be held at the UP State Fairgrounds from September 9-11. “This unique event is perfect for wood lovers or for anyone looking to see heavy machinery compete” House officials said.

The Delta County Century Ride will take place on September 19. Cycle one of four different-length routes, and enjoy food, drink, and entertainment along the way.

“The Delta County Chamber of Commerce will follow COVID-19 guidelines provided by state and local health authorities. Additional planning created a safe and fun environment for all involved. After a difficult year, the Chamber looks forward to returning from old events and hosting new events for the enjoyment of the community ”. House officials said.

For more information on the Chamber’s events listing, visit or call 906-786-2192.

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