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SCOOP: While Maharashtra is on lockdown, Sooryavanshi will not be released on April 30: Bollywood News


Last week, Bollywood Hungama had reported that Sooryavanshi, the highly anticipated film starring Akshay Kumar and directed by Rohit Shetty, may not be able to release on April 30, as planned, due to the increase in coronavirus cases. The second wave was quite extreme and cases in Maharashtra in particular are at an all time high, approaching the 60,000 mark. As a result, the state government decided last week to impose a curfew. nightly in the state, 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. As the cases continued to increase despite this new rule, the authorities then decided to take the severe decision to declare a lockout-type situation until April 30.

SCOOP: While Maharashtra is on lockdown, Sooryavanshi will not be released on April 30

Even when the nighttime curfew was in place in Maharashtra, it became clear that releasing a film under such circumstances would be suicidal as broadcasts after 6 p.m. were excluded. It is therefore not surprising that films like Chehre and Bunty Aur Babli 2 have been postponed indefinitely. Now, with a lockdown in place and cinemas closed until the end of the month, the movie industry is going to be hit hard and as a result, it has emerged that Sooryavanshi has been pushed forward.

A source claims, even last week, that Sooryavanshi will not come out as expected. The lockdown further clarified matters. It will be in place until April 30, the day Sooryavanshi was supposed to release. And there is no guarantee that the lockdown will not be extended, especially if the cases are not reduced. Meanwhile, other states could also follow the Maharashtras lead and introduce curbs. Sooryavanshi is a great movie and it will be suicidal if it comes out under such unpredictable circumstances. Therefore, it is postponed.

Bollywood Hungama reported earlier today that Rohit Shetty had had a virtual chat with Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. At this meeting, a source confirmed that Uddhav Thackeray appreciates Rohit Shetty as he makes the courageous and difficult decision to postpone Sooryavanshi.

For moviegoers, exhibitors and the industry in general, the postponement of Sooryavanshi will be a big blow. It is one of the most anticipated films of the year and one that should resuscitate the company which has been heavily affected since March 2020.

Interesting way, Sooryavanshi It was originally slated for release on March 24, 2020. It was later pushed when the nationwide lockdown went into effect. In June 2020, it was decided to port this film to Diwali. However, the situation did not seem favorable during the Festival of Lights. Finally, in February 2021, when the central government authorized 100% occupation of the cinemas, the directors decided to present the film on April 2. Later they postponed it to April 30 and on Rohit Shettys birthday day March 14 they even had an official ceremony. ad.

Also read: SCOOP: Sooryavanshi Likely Not Releasing April 30 Due to New Covid-19 Restrictions; trade experts share their views

Other pages: Sooryavanshi Box Office Collection


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