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Falcon and Winter Soldier Star tease Power Broker identity


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier star Emily VanCamp discusses Power Broker theories and teases other characters joining the series.

WhileThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier may not generate as many fan theories asWandaVision, the identity of the Power Broker has created quite a mystery.

Emily VanCamp spoke toVarietyon Sharon Carter’s return to the MCU, and the actor delved into the fact that his character had changed since 2016Captain America: Civil War. She has become more nervous and seems to be embarking on some nefarious ventures, which has led many to assume that she is the invisible power broker. But what does VanCamp think of this theory?

“Well that’s a good question,” VanCamp replied. “I mean, the Power Broker could be anyone. Plus, there are several characters that haven’t been seen yet. So, I mean, I can’t say anything.”

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In the comics, the Power Broker has a long history of amplifying ordinary people with superpowers, and that element has at least made its way through the MCU. On the new Disney + series, the Flag Smashers have all the super abilities that Captain America and Bucky have, and Episode 3 has come dangerously close to revealing the person behind the scenes. Instead, Sharon Carter returned and saved Bucky, Sam, and Zemo, but her darker side indicates that she’s the show’s secret villain.

VanCamp explored how the show took the Agent 13 source material and tweaked it in light of what Sharon went through after the Sokovia Accords. Basically it was given more advantage, but how much?

“You have this basic idea of ​​who the character is, and I tried to implement into the movies that Sharon was that deep respect, and that sense of integrity and loyalty that she has,” VanCamp said. his mind was wrong to put that on his head was just a really funny idea to me. There are still a few more episodes to see where we’re going with it, but it was just fascinating that we took a whole different route with her. “

While Sharon appears to be on the hero’s side for the time being, she certainly has a bone to choose from with the Avengers and their allies, who ditched her as a result.Civil war. But it is not yet known whether she has gone so far as to create more super soldiers.

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Created by Malcolm Spellman and directed by Kari Skogland, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Emily VanCamp, Wyatt Russell, Noah Mills, Carl Lumbly and Daniel Brhl. New episodes debut Fridays on Disney +.

Source: Variety

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