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The free music series started in Port Townsend


PORT TOWNSEND – Like a velvety ribbon, the sound of Jonathan Doyle’s clarinet climbed the stairs of Taylor Street last Saturday, heralding a springtime music series.

Neighborhood buskers will be offering free outdoor shows at the Haller Fountain on Washington and Taylor Streets, Tyler Street Plaza on Water and Tyler Streets and other downtown locations this month, said Mari Mullen, Director of the Port Townsend Main Street Program.

“We will be expanding to Uptown in May,” she added, thus covering both historic districts of the city.

At 2 p.m. every Thursday and Saturday, local musicians will unravel an hour of jazz, Zydeco, country, indie pop and rock ‘n’ roll, Mullen promised. In addition, two artists are booked for Memorial Day afternoon on May 31.

“It’s really encouraging,” Mullen added, to hire musicians to perform live.

Several of the featured buskers were supposed to be part of Main Street’s 2020 summer attractions, but the pandemic canceled them all.

As part of the “Love Where You Live” campaign, the Mullen team will be handing out free masks and encouraging people to support the local economy. The campaign is sponsored by the First Federal Community Foundation, the Port of Port Townsend and Windermere Real Estate. For more information, visit

Jack Dwyer, the local multi-instrumentalist who will perform on April 24 and May 8, said street music has always been a beloved practice in his life.

Song requests are played – “if I know. People are going to shout stuff, ”said Dwyer, who plays guitar, mandolin and banjo, among other instruments.

With this project, “we persevere,” added Mullen, “and we are going to have fun.”

The neighborhood buskers program, weather permitting, includes:

Thursday and May 15: Buck Ellard, country and classic rock;

Saturday: Key City Public Theater, Port Townsend’s professional theater company;

April 15 and 17: Christian Powers and a member of the band mix rock and indie pop from the 60s and 70s;

April 22: Flugelhorn Phil, blues, soft rock and jazz;

April 24 and May 8: Singer-songwriter Jack Dwyer, classic and traditional American repertoire and originals;

April 29: Saxophonist, clarinetist and arranger Jonathan Doyle, jazz;

May 1 and May 22: Joe Euro, classical guitar;

May 6: Interpreter to be announced;

May 13 and May 20: Singer and multi-instrumentalist Phina Pipia;

May 27: George Radebaugh and Peter Evasick of Delta Rays, Cajun and Zydeco;

May 29: The Unexpected Brass Band, Port Townsend-New Orleans style funk and brass;

May 31st: Corinne Adams, Celtic violin in one place while Micaela Kingslight mixes Americana, blues, folk, funk and rock in the other.


Jefferson County Senior Reporter Diane Urbani de la Paz can be reached at 360-417-3509 or [email protected]

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