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Oscars 2021 and Oscars predictions


Oscars 93rd Academy Awards April 25, 2021
Nomadland, Mank and Promising Young Woman are all expected to do very well at the Oscars on the 25th Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

With the nominees for the 93rd Oscar ceremony now set in stone and with the ceremony due to take place on April 25, our betting expert is here to provide you with the 2021 Oscars odds and offer you his best prognosis for each of the major ones. categories. .

Nomadland, Tenet and Monk are all favorites to win the awards this year, with Monk being the film with the most total nominations with 10.

Nomadland managed to grab six nominations, including those for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay, and is the frontrunner to win in the majority of the categories for which it was nominated.

Ahead of the ceremony this Sunday, we’re here to bring you the odds for this year’s Oscars, as well as to bring you our pick of experts for certain categories.

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Better image odds and forecasts

All dimensions for this part are from bet365. Correct at time of posting and subject to change.

From the Golden Globes to the British Independent Film Awards, Nomadland has been nominated for nearly every major film accolade, so it’s no surprise to see him named the absolute bookmaker favorite for the Oscar for Best Picture. .

The film has already been nominated for seven BAFTAs and six Oscars, a recognition that shows just how critically acclaimed the film itself is.

Nomadland doesn’t have too much competition this year, which is in part due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen a number of films postponed and canceled, thus limiting the number of films released in the latest. year.

Nomadland, and its director Chloe Zhao, recently won two Golden Globes awards in February, with these being ‘Best Picture – Drama’ and ‘Best Director’, and it would be a huge shock to any other film. nominated. win the prize on 25.


Nomadland wins best film award

Best director odds and forecasts

Director (Film) Chances
Chloé Zhao (Nomadland) -1000
David Fincher (Mank) +900
Lee Isaac Chung (Minari) +1200
Thomas Vinterberg (another round) +1400
Emerald Fennell (promising young woman) +2000

Much like the ‘Best Picture’ category, Chloe Zhao and Nomadland are big favorites to win the ‘Best Director’ award, and given the awards already won, it’s hard to dispute that.

Zhao has been nominated for 13 different “ best director ” awards at various awards show this year, and has won all of them, numbers that don’t come as a surprise to see her priced at -1000 for. do the same. Oscars of the year.

It’s important to remember that a female director has never won the Academy Award for “ Best Director ” only once before, which was Kathryn Bigelow in 2009. However, given the hype surrounding Nomadland, it’s hard to look past Zhao claiming this award.


Chloe Zhao wins Best Director award

Best actor odds and forecasts

Actor Chances
Chadwick Boseman (Ma Rainey’s Black Background) -3300
Anthony Hopkins (the father) +1000
Riz Ahmed (Sound of Metal) +2000
Gary Oldman (Mank) +3300
Steven Yeun (Minari) +3300

After his untimely death from colon cancer in August 2020, it would be fair to see Chadwick Boseman hand out the Oscar for Best Actor, especially considering how brilliant he was in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.

This will likely be the only time Boseman gets nominated for an Oscar, so it just seems fitting that he is named Best Actor this year ahead of legends like Anthony Hopkins and Gary Oldman.

With an odds of -3300, it looks like the bookies think it’s as much of an open and closed business as it gets.


Chadwick Boseman winner of the best actor award

Best actress odds and forecasts

Actress Chances
Carey Mulligan (promising young woman) +125
Viola Davis (Ma Rainey’s Black Background) +187
Frances McDormand (Nomadland) +450
Andra Day (USA vs Billie Holiday) +600
Vanessa Kirby (Pieces of a Woman) +1000

Carey Mulligan was absolutely fantastic in Promising Young Woman, but despite that, we think Frances McDormand is the one to bet on when it comes to the Best Actress category.

Much like Mulligan, McDorman was excellent in Nomadland, and given the quality of the film itself, it wouldn’t be a shock to see her win the Oscar for Best Actress this year.

McDormand has already been nominated in this category for another 42 awards, winning 19 of them, so with odds of +450 we think the bookies may have made a mistake here, making our choice to go ahead. the Oscars on the 25.


Frances McDormand wins Best Actress award

Best Supporting Actor odds and forecasts

Actor Chances
Daniel Kaluuya (Judas and the Black Messiah) -1400
Sacha Baron Cohen (The Chicago Trail 7) +900
Leslie Odom Jr. (One night in Miami) +1400
Paul Raci (Sound of Metal) +1400
LaKeith Stanfield (Judas and the Black Messiah) +2500

Having failed to win the Oscar for Best Actor in 2017 for his role in Get Out, it looks like this year may finally be the year Daniel Kaluuya gets his hands on an Oscar.

Kaluuya has previously won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor, with the 32-year-old also winning two of the three Best Supporting Actor awards for which he has been nominated for further awards.

It’s easy to see why given how impressive he was in Judas and the Dark Messiah, and unless there’s a huge upheaval in store, Kaluuya is set to win his first Oscar on the 25th.


Daniel Kaluuya winner of the Best Supporting Actor award

Best Supporting Actress odds and forecasts

Actress Chances
Youn Yuh-Jung (Minari) -163
Maria Bakalova (Next film Borat) +250
Glenn Close (Hillbilly Elegy) +550
Olivia Coleman (the father) +1000
Amanda Seyfried (Mank) +1200

Yuh-Jung took home the award for Best Supporting Actress this year, but we think the talented Maria Bakalova could trump her at the Oscars this year.

Bakalova has been stellar in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, a role that has garnered her 36 nominations in this category across a number of different awards, winning 16 of them.

When a certain movie or actor / actress is supposed to win a certain number of awards, like Minari this year, it’s not uncommon for the Oscars to give one or two awards to other movies / people in certain categories for themselves. ensure that a film does not sweep through them all.

With that in mind, we think it’s wise to bet on Bakalova for this category, especially with odds of +250, which we feel is a bit too expensive.


Maria Bakalova wins Best Supporting Actress Award

Better visual effects odds and forecasts

Tenet was one of the biggest box office hits of the year, with Christopher Nolan proving once again that he truly is one of the best directors in the world.

The film itself had a large number of scenes shot upside down and then reversed during the editing process, a factor that only made the visual effects of the film more impressive.

Tenet has already won two awards for Best Visual Effects at the Critics Choice Awards and the Satellite Awards, and it would be a big surprise if she didn’t take home the award in the Best Visual Effects category on the 25th.


Tenet to gain the best visual effects

Best Original Screenplay odds and forecasts

Movie Chances
Promising young woman -225
The Chicago Trail 7 +162
Threatening +1200
Sound of metal +2800
Judas and the Black Messiah +2800

Promising Young Woman was nominated for 11 awards for Best Original Screenplay in total, winning six of them, with director Emerald Fennell receiving high praise for her work.

The Trial of the Chicago 7 is a tough competition for the award, with Aaron Sorkin doing a great job of directing, but given his dominance in this category this year, it’s hard to look past Promising Young Woman claiming this award. , and a few others. , come on April 25.


Promising Young Woman Wins Best Original Screenplay Award

Best photography odds and forecasts

Movie Chances
Nomadland 225
Mank +200
World news +1200
Judas and the Black Messiah +1600
The Chicago Trail 7 +2000

Having been nominated for 20 different Best Cinematography awards over the past few months, it’s not particularly hard to see why Nomadland is clearly the frontrunner to win the Oscar for Best Cinematography.

Of those 20 nominations, Nomadland ended up winning 11, with Joshua James Richards being praised for his outstanding work on the cinematography of the film.

Mank expects to win a few prizes on the 25th, but we doubt the best photograph will ever be, as it would be a huge shock to see anything other than Nomadland win this Oscar in a few weeks.


Nomadland wins the award for best photography

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