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Ben Affleck's best actor for years


The Way Back turns out to be the perfect way to get back to the screen for Ben Affleck.

Although the 47-year-old has continued to make films for the past few years (Triple Frontier, Justice League), they were tailor-made for the trash. The Last Thing He Wanted, starring Anne Hathaway, is already a favorite for the worst film of 2020.

But as an alcoholic construction worker who finds a new purpose in life in "The Way Back", Affleck reminds us that he is the rare leading actor who, when he tackles an average tormented role of Joe, does not honor glory or rewards. He is immediately identifiable and honest, even when he is sitting quietly in his car.

So it is painful to see him here while Jack, a scruffy guy with dead eyes who takes a can of beer in the bathroom with him every morning and drinks it while he is shampooing. Then, in the car, he pours alcohol into a cup of coffee to exhaust himself in his dangerous work, and after work, he is cleared in his favorite bar.

As Jack's life slowly decays, God – in the person of the pastor from his old high school – steps in. He calls Jack in his office at Bishop Hayes HS to talk about the basketball team. We need a new coach, Jack, "he says. "You are the first person I ever thought of.

It turns out that Jack was the best ball player the school has ever seen and remained a sort of legend in the years that followed. Admittedly, this tends a little to the gullibility that so many people remember a high school MVP from 1994 when they probably didn't even know the phone number of their best friends, but you get away with it. quickly.

After pounding a fridge full of beer, Jack decides to take the concert. The team, he finds out, is in ruins. There is a lot of raw talent, but no discipline or strategy. Boys settle on girls and celebrate before they even win, which is rare. Jack uses both his leadership skills and his impetuous s – ts and f – ks styles for days! to get them back on track.

Here's what's smart about director Gavin OConnors' film: Although many addiction films focus on the nerve-wracking and physically punishing withdrawal process, it doesn't. We don't see Jack having another drink for a good 30 minutes as the team drives from school to school, gradually improving with each game. Along the way, we learn the tragedy that led to Jacks' marriage breakdown and his possible addiction to alcohol – a journey that takes Affleck to emotionally tortured places.

But his team is a hoot. Theres Brandon (Brandon Wilson), the latent genie retained by a protective father; Kenny (Will Ropp), the ladies' man; and Chubbs (Charles Lott Jr.), the joker. They're familiar characters in a well-worn plot, but given Jacks' family life, they're unusually poignant.

His Affleck, however, who really argues for his own artistic relevance. If this film had been more poetic and better written, its performance might have won it a price or two. He's just as good at it as his Oscar-winning brother Casey was at Manchester by the Sea.

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