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Famous San Antonio actor, director and teacher Greg Hinojosa has died


Well-known San Antonio actor, director, theater producer and teacher Greg Hinojosa passed away on April 8, 2021, aged 58.

Hinojosa graduated from Holmes High School in San Antonio and attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University where he majored in drama and speech. He is survived by Daniel Acosta, her husband of 23 years.

San Antonio viewers knew Hinojosa best for the many characters he portrayed on local stages. During the holidays, theater critics applauded his portrayal of Scrooge in the musical “A Christmas Carol,” which he also directed to what was then the San Pedro Playhouse.

Greg Hinojosa as the talkative biddy in “Red, White and Tuna”, as Ebeneezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol” and as Ms. Forrest, a psychotic suburban housewife in “Psycho Beach Party”. (Courtesy photos)

Professionally, he has worked in regional theaters across the United States including Santa Fe Stages, The Springer Opera House, The Magik Childrens Theater of San Antonio, and The Repertory Theater of America.

Hinojosa has been active in the theatrical arts for over three decades. He has received numerous Alamo Theater Arts awards for his work as an actor and director in “I Am My Own Wife”, “Little Shop of Horrors”, “Once Upon a Mattress”, “Of Mice and Men”. Chicago ”,“ Scrooge, the Musical ”and“ Christmas in Blueville ”.

Although he was primarily known as a director and actor, Hinojosa was also a decorator and costume designer and makeup artist. For a time he was a member of the board of directors of the San Antonio Theater Coalition.

In 2011, he gained some notoriety as the director of “Corpus Christi,” the drama by playwright Terrance McNally that portrays Jesus as a gay man. The backlash from local Christian extremists against the play gained national attention, prompting a series of letters of encouragement from McNally to Hinojosa.

In 2012, Hinojosa became artistic director of the Woodlawn Theater, the iconic showcase of the Deco District on Fredericksburg Road. The moment he said QSanAntonio, “It’s a real artistic opportunity for me. It’s a chance to show what I have been passionate about my whole life. “

Hinojosa led the Woodlawn through a period in which his audience grew and expanded in part through the presentation of well-produced Broadway musicals, many of which he directed. Under his leadership, the Woodlawn grew its children’s drama school, which regularly staged productions on the main stage of theaters.

Due to his involvement with the Woodlawn, Exit in SA The magazine named Hinojosa as one of the 10 Most Influential People in the LGBTQ Community to Watch.

In December 2015, Hinojosa announced that he was leaving the Woodlawn. In a Facebook post at the time of writing, change is still difficult, but change is necessary for us to have a human revolution. So with that in mind, I have accepted another position in town and will be announcing more about it in the New Year.

Most recently, he was a special needs instructor at Howsman Elementary School.

(Courtesy photos)

For more than 20 years, Hinojosa and Acosta led a group of volunteers in the production of “Fiesta Frenzy,” an annual drag and variety show that would donate all box office profits to local charities.

In a Facebook post shortly before his death, Hinojosa wrote: “Daniel and I are overwhelmed with emotions. The calls, texts and support from family and friends have been amazing. Live your life to the fullest, live, love and laugh. It’s been a hell of a trip and I can’t wait for my next trip.

No information on memorial services is available at this time.

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