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Where do you know the actor Kung Lao from the movie?


Max Huang will play the monk Shaolin Kung Lao in Mortal Kombat, and thanks to his experience as a stuntman, viewers know him better than they think.

Max Huang will play Kung Lao in 2021Mortal combat, and the public may know him a lot better than they think. Restarting the Mortal combat The film series will see Kung Lao wielding his famous razor alongside his fellow Shaolin, Monk Liu Kang, with the reboot now taking them from the good friends they have always been cousins. However, before landing the role of Kung Lao, Max Huang had some experience in action movies.

Contemporary Wushu champion, Huang embarked on the 2010 zombie movie Dead survivorsand rose to minor roles in films like Burning man and Ego. However, the stunt work is where Huang really made his mark. Huang is a member of the Jackie Chan Stunt team, and his working stunts are where most spectators have probably seen him without even realizing it.

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Huang did stunts and acted on camera roles in Jackie Chan vehicles like Chinese astrology, Police History: Lockdown, andDragon blade. Other Chan films that Huang has worked on includeSkiptrace, The foreigner, Bleeding steeland the next one X-Traction Project, who teams up Chan with John Cena. Apart from his collaborations with the legendary Jackie Chan, Huang has also done stunt work and coordination of stunts on other action films.

Mortal Kombat Movie Kung Lao Comparison

Huang was stunt coordinator in 2012 Shanghai calland has been a stuntman on other projects such as Sorry i love you, Banned, Kingsman: Secret Service, and Hitman: Agent 47. Huang has had other minor roles in films such as Riders of time and Netflix series Sense8. In addition, Huang also wrote and directed the action short.No Exit, in which he also played the role of Chen, a former criminal who is recruited to infiltrate a drug ring, with Huang really showing what he could do as a martial artist in the short film.

Huang is not one of the best-known members of the Mortal combat cast, so the reboot will be its most significant screen appearance yet. Despite this, millions of moviegoers around the world, and especially fans of Asian action films, have already been shown to Max Huang and probably didn’t even realize it thanks to his extensive stunt experience and affiliation with the Jackie Chan Stunt team. Of course, when it comes to Kung Lao, many viewers will likely be dying to see how his razor hat is used in the action scenes of the film – and judging by the fatality-filled trailer for Mortal combat, it looks like the reboot doesn’t plan to drop them.

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