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Gray & # 39; s Anatomy said goodbye to Justin Chambers with a touch of surprise


This piece contains spoilers on the Thursday episode of Grey's anatomy.

Grey's anatomy fans expressed shock after Thursday's high-profile episode, in which the original character Alex Karev (played by Justin chambers) has been officially canceled from the program.

After being absent from the ABC series for weeks, Karev returned by a voice to reveal where he is in a series of letters sent to his longtime friend Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), his current wife, Jo (Camilla Luddington) and colleagues Bailey (Miranda Wilson) and Richard (James Pickens Jr.). The letters explained that he had reconnected with his ex-wife, Izzie Stevens (another original Grey character, played by Katherine heigl) while trying to save Meredith's medical license in an insurance fraud trial. It turned out that Izzie had given birth to twins after she and Alex separated several seasons ago, using an embryo that the couple had previously frozen. As a result, Alex decided to divorce Jo and move to Kansas, where Izzie had since moved.

Izzie had my kids and I know you understand what it really means. I know you know why I can't leave now wrote to Jo. I have a chance to make this whole family, and I just hope you love me enough to let me take it. I have to give these kids the family that you and I never had.

The twist, and the fact that the controversial Izzie was involved, left some time Grey's anatomy the viewers questioningher decision all the more so since neither Alex nor Izzie appeared physically during the episode.

When Chambers officially announced his departure in January, the series confirmed that its November 14 episode, the 350th episode Grey, had been the last actors to appear on the screen. He did, however, provide a new voiceover track for the latest episode of Karev. Heigl, meanwhile, was not seen on Grey's anatomy since season 6.

After the Thursday episode, showrunner Krista Vernoff said goodbye to Karev via Twitter. It's almost impossible to say goodbye to Alex Karev. This is as true for me as it is for all the writers of Grey's anatomy, as for the fans, she writes. We loved writing Alex. And we loved watching Justin Chambers paint his portrait with nuance. For 16 seasons, 16 years, we have grown up alongside Alex Karev. We were frustrated with his limits and we were inspired by his growth and we came to love him deeply and to consider him as one of our best friends. He will be sorely missed. And we will always be grateful for its impact, on our show, on our hearts, on our fans, on the world.

During the first seasons of Grey's anatomy, Karev and Izzie entered into a relationship over and over again that resulted in their marriage. But they soon separated, after Izzie was diagnosed with a brain tumor and Heigl was struck off the series. (In a bit of irony, Izzie wrote Alex a Dear John letter to announce his release.)

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