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Bollywood science fiction movies that failed at the box office


Science fiction films are still enjoyed in India, only if they come from Hollywood. Bollywood filmmakers are still trying to apply the proven formula to bring science fiction movies to Indian audiences, but they fail miserably. What were the possible reasons for their failure?

They fail because of the horrible imagination and the lack of sound
script that can be digested by the Indian audience. Even Bollywood has
great science fiction movies like Krrish and Mr. India. But most of them are at the box office

Take a look at the list of 10 Bollywood science fiction movies that
are a box office failure and must have offended science. Consult the list of
Top 10 worst Bollywood movies.

1. Love Story 2050

Everyone remembers that the concept of Time Machine was also used in Bollywood. The movie Love Story 2050 shows a guy travels until 2050 to seduce the reincarnated version of his deceased girlfriend.

The film was a failure because the director does not have the vision for 2050. He failed miserably to show and connect with what would be possible in 2050.

2. Jaane Hoga Kya

Jaane Hoga kya is a Bollywood thriller in which a scientist clones himself. The clone then becomes a thug and commits murders. The scientist goes behind bars for these murder charges.

You probably don't know the film because the film was not well marketed. Plus, the sci-fi plot was just used to add the thriller to the movie instead of the whole clone-centered story.

3. Sona Spa

Sona Spa is a revolutionary film where people pay workers to sleep peacefully on their behalf at Sona Spa. Workers have had their customers' nightmares and struggles.

This film had the potential to become a success but it was completely overlooked by the public due to a lack of understanding. Naseeruddin Shah played an important role in the film.

4. Drona

At the time of its release, there was a big hype for this superhero. Drona, which had a mythological origin, could be a successful superhero film if the filmmakers had approached it with the right vision.

The low graphics and a superhero fighting in his Sherwani don't look cooler. Drona was the biggest mistake of the superhero genre and the creators have never tried anything like it.

5. Alag

Alag is a film about a man who has telekinesis powers. Telekinesis is a generic term for any type of ability to move, influence and manipulate things using the mind.

Well, the movie had no power like this, if the movie had something like telekinesis, it could have summoned people to the movies.

The film was a great effort in the science fiction genre. Unfortunately, the public did not appreciate it.

6. 3D Creature

The 3D sci-fi horror movie creature has created a lot of buzz. But the film completely missed the target with its poor graphic design and average play.

Fans still carry a lot of expectations from Bollywood science fiction movies, but at the same time they also have a feeling of heartache, that they are going to be disappointed with the movie.

Creature 3D doesn't have much to offer and it's very similar to Jurassic Park but on a very small budget.

7. Aa Dekhein Zara

Aa Dekhein Zara was the film of a man whose camera captures the events about to happen. The film starred Neil Nitin Mukesh and Bipasha Basu.

However, they could not capture empty theaters before its release. The film was a big flop and no one was interested in such magical science fiction things without any logic.

8. Rudraksha

Another film based on mythological stories related to the Ramayana. Rudraksha is the story where some scientists came to India to study the concept of Raavans Rudraksha and Samadhi.

The film has big names like Sanjay Dutt and Suniel Shetty but the film was a big flop because of the bad script and the average gameplay.

9. A flying jatt

A Flying Jatt is an Indian superhero. This is the story of Aman, the martial arts teacher, who realizes that he has superpowers while fighting henchmen.

The film has no standard, not even responding to the comedic part like Deadpool. What is more impressive with A Flying Jatt is that he dances very well.

10. Ra.One

Ra. One with Shah Rukh Khan has everything a superhero movie should have, but the movie was a flop. Two characters from the game left the game and fought in the real world.

He also has a cameo from the superstar Rajinikanth. This shows what the public expects from Bollywood is to bring something real, original and at the same time relatable.

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