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SCOOP: Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday dismissed role of condom tester in upcoming RSVP which now stars Rakul Preet Singh: Bollywood News


Bollywood Hungama was the first to tell you that Rakul Preet Singh signed a movie with Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP banner which is a direct-to-digital project. The quirky social drama has Rakul playing the role of a condom tester. The film that has not yet been titled has been locked down and will remain on the floors once things get back to normal. But not many people know that Rakul was not the first choice for the film.

SCOOP: Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday dismissed role of condom tester in upcoming RSVP which now stars Rakul Preet Singh

An informed source Bollywood Hungama, “Before Rakul, the same project was first proposed to Sara Ali Khan. Sara, who also plays the lead role of Vicky Kaushal Ashwatthama under the same banner, was approached for the social drama. But after the narration, she politely declined the film. She informed the RSVP team that she would not be able to play the role of a sexual executive in the project, but RSVP is speaking to her for another project now. “

For those who don’t know what a sex executive means, we’ll explain it to you. The big condom companies hire people over 18 and put them on the payroll to do a job. What is the job? They must test and verify the durability of condoms during their act of intimacy. This is done for each new product before launch and their feedback is of the utmost importance.

Not only Sara, before the film landed in Rakul’s lap, it was introduced to another young actress as well. The source adds: “After Sara declined the offer, the film was offered to Ananya Panday who also let it pass. Apparently Ananya and her team felt the concept and role was too bold for her, so she didn’t want to. do it. ” But it looks like Sara and Ananya’s loss was Rakul’s gain here!

The source concludes, “This is a quirky drama that also aims to de-stigmatize the use of condoms. Indians are still shy when they buy condoms or even say the word. The film will be a bold but humorous version of the same, a little like Dream girl. “

Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh To Play Condom Tester In RSVP Next


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