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By way of introduction: Dacia James Lewis |


By way of introduction is a new casual Daily News Q&A series where readers can meet some of the actors and everyday people who make County Galveston such a cool and interesting place to live.

For our inauguration By way of introduction, The Daily News catches up with Dacia James Lewis, singer, dancer, writer, choreographer, a kind of Jill-of-all-trades entertainment. Born in Galveston, Lewis has performed at the Grammys with Kanye West and Jamie Foxx, is releasing a new book and appearing in “Coming 2 America,” among a host of other professional accomplishments.

Last name: Dacia James Lewis

Age: Old enough to drink, young enough to do the splits again

Born in: Galveston

Profession: Choreographer

Q. Where did you grow up and where did you go to school?

A. I grew up in Galveston, where I graduated from Ball High School. I received my BA from Texas State University and am currently pursuing my MA at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta.

Q. In what professions have you worked? What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

A. I have worked in the entertainment industry for over 15 years. Although I have graced the stage with some of the greatest artists and actors in the world, I am very proud of the proclamation of Galveston who named July Dacia James Lewis Day in my hometown. Being known for giving back to my community and bridging the gap to pursue their dreams of being a part of the entertainment industry warms my heart. It’s a proud moment and it keeps me rooted and rooted.

Q. How did you start your career?

A. I started as a production assistant on sets in the male dominated field of movies and commercials with brutal hours and heavy work. On my days off, I would train at local dance studios in Los Angeles to keep myself fit and ready for my break. A choreographer by the name of Eclipse remembered me from a previous project and asked me to do the Grammys with Kanye West and Jamie Foxx. Of course, I jumped at the chance to perform at the music industry’s “Super Bowl”. It was the break I needed to find an agent and continue dancing full time.

Q. Any advice for those just starting out?

A. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. When I met the choreographer who hired me for the Grammys, I was on his set as a stage manager. He remembered my smile, my work ethic and diligence in the little things. This lasting impression led him to call me months later after remembering our brief conversation about me as a dancer. He hired me for the biggest awards show in the music industry. The moral of the story and what I always say is: you never know who you are going to meet. Be kind!

Q. Have you had any mentors in your life? People who inspired your life decisions?

A. I have had several too many mentors to name them. So many people have been a guiding light on my path. Mentors play an important role in creating a successful career. They are trusted advisors and role models for offering priceless knowledge and encouragement. I appreciate them all, they know who they are.

Q. What book are you reading now? Who is your favorite book or author?

A. I am currently immersed in Cicely Tysons Memoir called “Just As I Am”. It’s phenomenal. Poetry, history and life lessons all come together in the backbone of good reading. I don’t have a favorite author, I just like a good read. My favorite book? I’m going to have to take this time to plug in my book, “The Game of Life: Releasing the Weight When God Says Wait”. It is a huge accomplishment to write and self-publish your thoughts for the masses to read, therefore my book will always be my favorite book. It’s a reminder that anything is possible if I think about it.

Q. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you be?

A. This is a difficult question. As a performer, I have had the privilege of traveling the world and there are many places I would like to reside. If I had to choose, I would be living in Hawaii. The beach, the weather, the carefree vibe and the peaceful surroundings are alluring. The ability to take a quick flight to the mainland is also convenient.

Q. What do you do for fun?

A. Now it’s easy. Dance! You will find me constantly moving and grooving to a beat. I also like to watch and imitate TikTok dances. I may not publish them, but I am certainly teaching them to be on my guard. I also like to play Top Golf and board games. I am very competitive and I don’t like to lose.

Q. What’s the best thing about your job / career?

A. The best of my career is versatility. Because I am a multi-hyphenator in entertainment, I can immerse myself in many facets of the arts that I love: acting, dancing, choreographing, writing or directing. It is rewarding to do what you love; it never feels like a job let alone the fun.

Q. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

A. Most people don’t know I can rap. I have always loved writing poems and listening to lyrics. If time permits and I can put pen to paper, I can write some nice raps and dope songs. I’m sure I’ll have a song on the charts someday.

Q. Do you have a favorite quote that inspires your decisions?

A. Try something big enough that failure is guaranteed unless God intervenes! Bruce wilkinson

I love this quote because it encourages us to dream big and take a leap of faith. Failure is indeed a possibility, but we will never know if we can be successful if we don’t try. Either way, God is supporting us and everything will work for our good.

Q. What can people expect from your career?

A. My book has been distributed and is now available worldwide, which excites me enormously. I plan to continue promoting the book with interviews and speaking engagements to encourage people to stay hopeful during tough seasons. I also have a few projects going on with my production company DOP Entertainment, so be careful of that. In the meantime, you can catch me in “Coming 2 America” on Netflix and in “Genius: Aretha” on Hulu. See you at the top!

Angela Wilson

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