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Abhishek Bachchan responds to Twitter user who said he was a better actor than dad Amitabh Bachchan


  • Abhishek Bachchan is used to online abuse, but on Saturday he responded to excessive praise when a Twitter user said he was a better actor than his father, Amitabh Bachchan.

UPDATE MAY 9, 2021 at 9:56 am IST

In a change of pace for him, actor Abhishek Bachchan responded not to a Twitter troll, but to someone who said he was a better actor than even his father, Amitabh Bachchan. Abhishek is often found at the end of reviews, mostly around the perceived privilege of being born into a prominent film family.

But on Saturday one person wrote: “I watched the big bull, I think when it comes to playing you are better than Big B … stay blessed guru bhai.” Abhishek replied, “Thank you very much for your compliment sir. But no one, NO ONE can be better than him.”

The man responded by saying he made the same statement during an “ astrological session ” with Sanjay Dutt.

Other fans rang. “AB aur kya chahiye (what more do you want). It’s a better compliment to always be like or better than father. And Big B is the best. Mr. Bachchan’s performance .. Good luck to #dasvi and all future projects. “

Abhishek was most recently seen in The Big Bull, based in part on the life of tainted stockbroker Harshad Mehta. As the film’s release neared, Abhishek was often asked about the constant comparisons to his father. “You compared me to the great Amitabh Bachchan; I find him the best. So who else are you going to compare me to to beat me up?” he said, in an interview with Bollywood Hungama. “I’m used to being compared to him, so I’m not exhausted.”

Also read: First Amitabh Bachchan, now Pratik Gandhi; Abhishek Bachchan has an elegant response to constant comparisons

The Big Bull received negative reviews in April. The film is directed by Kookie Gultai, produced by Ajay Devgn, and co-stars Ileana D’Cruz. Abhishek is currently shooting Dasvi. He’s got his slate full, with projects like Bob Biswas and the new season of Amazon’s Breathe.

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