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Barnsdall Park in East Hollywood to restore its olive grove | East Hollywood News

Barnsdall Park in East Hollywood to restore its olive grove |  East Hollywood News



Barnsdall Park

Barnsdall Park.

Hollywood East – The Barnsdall Art Park Foundation today announced an effort to plant additional trees in Barnsdall Park to restore the park’s historic olive grove.

The Barnsdall Art Park Foundation contributed $ 25,000 to the Adopt-a-Park program in Los Angeles to pay for a survey and analysis of the existing olive grove, the care needed for the park’s 333 olive trees, and the development of a strategy for planting. new olive trees in the park. to park. The foundation is also raising funds for the planting of additional olive trees as part of the Los Angeles Park Forest Program, an initiative to add trees to city parks in order to cool surface air temperatures, reduce carbon and to educate the public about climate change.

East Hollywood’s 11.5-acre park includes the city’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House, which was built in 1921. The property, then known as “Olive Hill” contained around 1,225 olive trees and was used as a commercial orchard before being purchased by philanthropist and oil heiress Alina Barnsdall. In honor of the 100th anniversary of the house’s completion, the Barnsdall Art Park Foundation created a fundraising campaign to restore the historic olive grove to support the city’s efforts to conserve and improve the landscape, infrastructure , public programs and park exhibitions.

“The Department of Recreation and Parks is extremely grateful for the partnership we have with the Barnsdall Art Park Foundation and the Los Angeles Parks Foundation,” said Mike Shull, general manager of the Department of Recreation and Parks. “We appreciate their commitment to ensuring that the historic Barnsdall Park olive grove continues to be a healthy olive grove that the East Hollywood community, visitors and generations to come can appreciate.”

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Barnsdall commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to build his house and a theatrical arts complex. Wright preserved the olive grove and incorporated it into his plans, but after Barnsdall’s death in 1946, the property was subdivided into separate residential and commercial plots. In 1992, only 90 olive trees were preserved.

“During our analysis of the soil and our assessment of the condition and health of the site, we discovered that 19 olive trees probably originate from the original grove established in the 1890s,” said Katherine Pakradouni, head of the Los Angeles Parks Foundation project and horticulturist. “These fruit trees produced 58 seedlings that grow near the older trees. We hope these special seedlings can be turned into vibrant seedlings at the Los Angeles Parks Foundation headquarters at the historic Commonwealth Nursery in Griffith Park and replanted at Barnsdall Art Park or other locations across town. “

Councilor Mitch O’Farrell, who represents the park on Los Angeles City Council, called the park “the unique and priceless gem of the city of Los Angeles” and praised efforts to restore the olive grove.

“Preserving existing trees and propagating healthy new olive trees throughout the campus landscape is an essential step in the preservation of this historically significant grove which is a vital contributor to this cultural resource we all cherish, Barnsdall Art Park, and contributor of UNESCO, Hollyhock House, “he said.

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