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From Disha Patani to Anushka Sharma, Bollywood is obsessed with breezy summer dresses


Summers are all about frolicking in the sun and wearing a stylish sundress is always an added bonus. Wherever we are in the world, all women are united by their favorite summer dresses and our favorite Bollywood celebrities are no exception. Even on a casual day, some of our favorite stunners can often be spotted wearing easy-to-wind styles to relax at home or catch up with friends. When they catch up with their friends, we can almost always spot them in gorgeous summer dresses and most of the time with their glamor quotient shining. With these celebrity-endorsed ideas on how to wear your dresses this summer, we bet you’ll look like a stylish diva in her own right, too.

Swirlster chooses chic summer dresses for you

6 times Bollywood inspired us to wear a sundress in style

Take style cues from Bollywood beauties who look effortless every time in their summer dresses

1. Cottagecore dress by Disha Patani

Disha Patani’s love for the cottagecore came during the lockdown when we saw her fabulously dressed in her stylish dresses. Not only were these dresses very comfortable, literally, but with a chic neckline, sleeves and prints also added value to the summery look.

2. Off Shoulder Dress by Shraddha Kapoor

Off-the-shoulder dresses are always on trend and Shraddha Kapoor’s dreamy lilac choice is proof that he’s here to stay. Feminine cuts and alluring hems, a cute dress like Shraddha Kapoor’s ensure comfort whether you’re heading to a leisurely dinner with bae or spending days lounging in your living room while waiting for a photoshoot!

3. Alia Bhatt’s mini wrap dress

Wrap-around dresses make it easy to add dimension to the most boring dresses. However, boring isn’t a word in Alia Bhatt’s vocabulary, and there’s no reason her lilac dress should be on the core list.

4. Anushka Sharma off-the-shoulder dress

If you think off-the-shoulder dresses were off last season, think again. Off-the-shoulder dresses are stylish for everyone and we’re not surprised why Anushka Sharma took one to Australia to chill out. Striped or not, off-the-shoulder dresses are a summer staple.

5. Midi dress with straps by Mouni Roy

What about a fabulous white dress that is so calming yet so elegant that once you step out you never want to come back? Mouni Roy chose a white strappy dress to suit her in bright and sunny Dubai that we could easily see ourselves wearing to a date too.

To buy more fashion looks, click here.

Warning: The Swirlster Picks team is writing about things we think you’ll like. Swirlster has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

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