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9 illogical things actresses do in Bollywood movies that are impossible in real life –


Bollywood films have set such unrealistic standards, especially for girls, that would never happen in real life. Most of the time, things that are fairly normal in movies are not at all normal in real life. There are things that happen in almost all of the movies but never happen in real life.

Here are 9 things women do in movies, which are unlikely to ever happen in real life.

1- Fall in love with our stalker

Answer me a simple question. What would you do if a guy is chasing you all the time?

If it happens with me, I will take him to the police station for sure. And I think every girl will do the same. But that doesn't happen in our Bollywood movies. Rather than bringing the guy to the police, the girl eventually falls in love with her stalker and marries him. Need an example. Look at R RajkumarorHumpty Sharma Ki Dulhania and you will know for yourself.

2- No one wakes up perfectly

What do you look like when you wake up in the morning? You wake up like a mess, right? Well, every girl does it. But in our Bollywood movies, the heroine is shown as she just came out of the salon, her hair perfectly brushed with lots of makeup. No girl wakes up with natural makeup done. Also, who sleeps with the makeup done?

3- Mark the person who kidnapped you and almost killed you

Do you want to marry someone who kidnapped you? No no. Not even in dreams.
Well in our Bollywood movies, a girl is fine when the hero kidnaps her and she ends up marrying him. Crazy, isn't it?

4- Girls have no career goals

Especially in the movies, we are shown that the girl has no career goals even if she has a job. She usually gives the guy more preference than her career. Her only goal is to be with the guy. Seriously who does that ??

5- Wear chiffon skirts / saris in the snow

Which girl will dare to wear a mini-skirt or simply a chiffon sari in a place where the temperature is at a figure or maybe negative? Well, that only happens in our movies where the girls barely wear all the clothes at such a temperature and the boys are completely wrapped up and down with jackets and boots.

6- Assuming your love can change a boy

Agar mera pyaar saccha hai at wo zarur sudhar jayega.

Seriously, girl .. How can you even think about it? If you ever fall in love with a playboy, chances are you will end up hurting yourself no matter how much you love him. It will not change at any cost. There is nothing like pyaar ki taqat. Only filmi things .. eh.

7- The magic makeover

Never think that the simple act of changing your dress and putting on these glasses will make you a queen of beauty. There is nothing like a magical makeover as the movies show. We suddenly see a simple-looking girl become glamorous and everyone around her (who generally didn't like her before) suddenly starts to like her. This thing never happens in real life. If, by any chance, this happens, you are not loved for what you are, you are only loved for your appearance.

And serious advice for all the girls out there, never change yourself for anyone. And remember, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

8- simulate an illness just to get away from the guy

Have you seen Half Girlfriend ?? In the film, Shraddha lies Arjun Kapoor about cancer. Do you know why ?? Quite simply because she had engagement issues. *shocked*

No girl in real life will ever simulate an illness just because she has engagement problems. Just telling the guy that she doesn't want to go any further with the relationship will do the trick. There is no need to change countries or simulate a disease.

9- Dance in the rain

Have you ever danced in the rain with lots of makeup on your face, open hair and wearing a sari? First of all, the makeup will spoil completely due to the rainwater (if you don't wear waterproof makeup) *wink*. The second thing that your hair will stick to your face as if you have applied oil and the chances are very high that you will stumble while dancing in this sari. There are a lot of other things too, but let's not just develop it as much. Our Bollywood beauties do not face any of these problems in the movies. I often wonder how someone can start dancing on the road (Sushmita Sen in Maine Pyaar Kyu Kia) or in a train station (Shraddha Kapoor in Baaghi) as soon as the rain starts ??


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