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Black Widow box office projections predict $ 115 million opening weekend


First box office screenings forBlack Widow call for the film to have an impressive opening weekend. Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is fast approaching as Scarlett Johansson finally directs her own movie, after years of fans expressing interest in a Black Widow movie. After the death of Natasha Romanoff inAvengers: Endgame, however, his soloadventure will take place betweenCaptain America: civil war andAvengers: Infinity War.

Even though audiences around the world have already know how the story of Natasha ends,Black Widow allows Marvel Studios to make it the centerpiece for the first time. In addition to telling the story of Black Widow, the film will also feature several characters who could have important roles in the future of the MCU. As a result, there has been a lot of excitement among hardcore fans – although it can still be said that Marvel is delivering the film too late. Although there may not beInfinity War orEnd of Game excitement levels forBlack Widow, it should still work very well at the box office.

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According to the first projections ofBox Office Pro, Marvel Studios could seeBlack Widow opened to $ 115 million nationwide during its opening weekend. On the low end, the site plans to open $ 90 million and peak at $ 130 million. If the film opens to the $ 115 million forecast, then it is expected thatBlack Widow will finish its national race with more than 300 million dollars won. However, these figures do not come from the official box office follow-up, which will not arrive until much later.

Black Widow 2020 teaser poster

Use the planned opening of $ 115 million as a reference forBlack Widow, this would allow the film to have a very successful box office. It would become the fourteenth MCU film to open north of $ 100 million nationally and tied withSpider-Man: Homecoming$ 117 million opening. However, the film should be exceptionally successful abroad if it were to earn $ 1 billion worldwide. This could prove to be even more difficult with the effect of the coronavirus on the film industry around the world. Yet Disney has no plans to delayBlack Widow to avoid it.

YesBlack Widow has the kind of success it is currently expected to have, this could open up possibilities for Marvel Studios to pursue the franchise in different ways. The introduction of Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) could allow her to take over the Black Widow coat and be at the head of a possible sequel. Nor is it out of the possibility that Johansson could play in a sequel, as one could theoretically be betweenInfinity War andEnd of Game. As long asBlack Widow works well, it's hard to imagine that Marvel Studios can't find additional ways to continue this story.

MORE: Marvel Won't Delay Movies Due To Coronavirus

Source: Box Office Pro

Key release dates

  • Black Widow (2020)Release Date: May 01, 2020
  • Eternal (2020)Release date: 06 Nov 2020
  • Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings (2021)Release Date: February 12, 2021
  • Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness (2021)Release date: 07 May 2021
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 (2021)Release Date: Jul 16, 2021
  • Thor: love and thunder (2021)Release date: 05 Nov 2020
  • Black Panther 2 (2022)Release date: 06 May 2022

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