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OSO announces its 55th season | New


The Owensboro Symphony Orchestra announced its 55th season on Friday, which includes a celebration of classical, cinematic and popular music.

The season starts with the annual Symphonys Concert on the lawn. This 33rd free concert is presented to the community on the lawn of Kentucky Wesleyan College at 7 p.m. Saturday August 15. The show, titled The Biggest Show on Earth: A Tribute to the Circus, will feature selections from the blockbuster movie The Greatest Showman and the movie The Lion King. Concert on the Lawn is a show in which families can bring picnics and enjoy music. The lawn concert is sponsored by the U.S. Bank.

The opening night takes place at 7 p.m. October 24 at RiverPark Centers Cannon Hall and will feature Grammy-nominated pianist and singer Michael Feinstein, who has played classics around the world, from Carnegie Hall to New York at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, as well as the White House and Buckingham Palace. The opening night is sponsored by the law firm Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP and Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline.

The annual Maison des Fêtes show will take place at 7 p.m. December 12 and will feature OSO conductor Troy Quinn and the symphony performing traditional favorites and new works to ring during the holiday season, including selections from The Nutcracker, Scrooge and White Christmas. Traditional audiences singing with the Owensboro Symphony Chorus will lead the show in a mix of holiday classics. Home for the Holidays is sponsored by Aleris, Riley and John Hess.

The bell of 2021 is the representation of Symphonys A Night at the Oscars at 7 p.m. January 30. This show features guest artist Eric Rigler, a world renowned bagpipe artist who has appeared in movies like Braveheart, Titanic, Men in Black 3, and joined musical artists like Phil Collins, Josh Groban, Faith Hill and Keith Urban. The symphony will perform songs from Oscar-winning and award-winning films such as The Godfather, La La Land, The Lord of the Rings and Titanic. The sponsors of this show are Sheffer Law Firm, PLLC and Messenger-Inquirer.

7:00 p.m. March 6, 2021 concert, Superheroes: Avengers, Superman, Mahler and more, Quinn and the symphony will play heroic selections from Batman and The Avengers alongside conductor Gustav Mahlers Titan Symphony No. 1 This concert is sponsored by the Glenmore Distillery, Independence Bank, and Dick and Martina Temple.

Closing of the OSO 2020-21 season will be a concert called Epic Ending, with guest cellist Tina Guo at 7 p.m. April 18, 2021. Guo is known for her genre-crossing style and has been featured on hundreds of blockbuster movies, TV shows, and game soundtracks, according to the OSO. This show will feature music by conductor Robert Schumann, as well as the iconic classic Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven and more. This concert is sponsored by Swedish Match, BB&T and Owensboro Grain.

Quinn said he is delighted to announce the next concert season, and that our concerts are always a moving mix of adventurous projects that invigorate our spirits and traditional favorites that warm our collective hearts.

Through this programming, we are meeting our organizational mission to create meaningful and imaginative performances that enrich life and create memorable experiences for Owensboro and surrounding communities, he said.

Gwyn Payne, deputy CEO of Symphony, said the organization has gone to great lengths to make sure they go the extra mile this season. With a 55th anniversary milestone, she said that Quinn and other symphony officials wanted to celebrate and continue the trend of offering bigger and bigger performances, the audience may be excited.

It will be Quinn's fourth season with the symphony. Payne said he had done a great job in his time at Owensboro.

He really listens to the community, she says. Whenever he hesitates to tell people about what he offers, he listens and works hard to deliver programs that appeal to everyone.

She said that the symphony belongs to Owensboro and that the organization could not do what it does without the support of the community and the city and county authorities. This support helps OSO to fulfill its mission, she said.

We just want to create these meaningful experiences, she said. We just couldn't do this without the generous help.

Symphony season tickets are now available on the symphony website theoso.comand by calling 270-684-0661, ext. 111.

Bobbie Hayse, [email protected], 270-691-7315

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