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Entertainment calendar: March 7-15, 2020 | Entertainment News


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March 7

Concert: Adam Ezra Group, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., Walton Theater, 30 Gardiner Place, Walton.

Concert: Hungrytown folk duo, 11 a.m., William B. Ogden Free Library, 42 Gardiner Place, Walton. For info: 607-865-5929.

Music: Gretchen Peters, 8 p.m., Ballroom B Side and Supper Club, 1 Clinton Plaza Drive, Oneonta. For info: 607-432-2053,

Music: Talking Machine, 9 p.m., Andes Hotel, 110 Main St., Andes. For info: 845-676-3980,

Event: Signing of the book “Witches of Cats”, 2 p.m., Delaware County Historical Society, 46549 State Route 10, Delhi. For info: 607-746-3849, [email protected].

Concert: The Murphy Beds, 8 p.m., Bushel, 106 Main St., Delhi. As part of the Cabin Fever Live Music event.

Readings: Readings of new works by regional playwrights, 3 p.m., Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 State Route 80, Cooperstown. For information:

8 March

Concert: Concert of music from around the world, 2 p.m., Temple Beth El, 83 Chestnut St., Oneonta. For info: 607-286-9085.

March 10

Jam: Open mic session, 7 p.m., Davenport Center for the Arts, Davenport Road and State Route 23, Davenport. Listeners and players are welcome. For info: 278-5277.

March 11

Film: Film Society of Cooperstown: Noir Double Feature, 7 p.m., Ballroom, Village Hall, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. For info: [email protected], 607-437-6903.

Music: John Colonna Trio, 7 p.m., B Side Ballroom and Supper Club, 1 Clinton Plaza Drive, Oneonta. For info: 607-432-2053,

Lecture: Visiting Writers Series: Shena McAuliffe, 7 p.m., Eaton Longe, Bresee Hall, Hartwick College, 1 Hartwick Drive, Oneonta. For information:

March 13

Theater: Jekyll & Hyde the Musical, 7:30 p.m., Sidney High School, 95 West Main St., Sidney. Presented by Tri-Town Theater, Inc.

March 14

Event: Family Art Day, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., The Farmers Museum, 5775 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. For information:

Theater: Jekyll & Hyde the Musical, 7:30 p.m., Sidney High School, 95 West Main St., Sidney. Presented by Tri-Town Theater, Inc.

Theater: Peter Pan Jr., 4 p.m., Gilboa-Conesville Central School, 132 Wyckoff Road, Gilboa.

Reading: readings of new works by regional playwrights, 3 p.m., Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 New York 80, Cooperstown. For information:

March 15

Concert: Coffeehouse at the Theater, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Walton Theater, 31 Gardiner Place, Walton.

Theater: Jekyll & Hyde the Musical, 2 p.m., Sidney High School, 95 West Main St., Sidney. Presented by Tri-Town Theater, Inc.

Theater: Peter Pan Jr., 2 p.m., Gilboa-Conesville Central School, 132 Wyckoff Road, Gilboa.

Concert: Stormfront: Music by Billy Joel, 3 p.m., Town Hall Theater and Gallery, 15 North Main St., Bainbridge. For information:

Concert: Tumbleweed Gumbo, 3 p.m., Earlville Opera House, 18 East Main St., Earlville. For information:

Opening exhibitions

March 7 to 22

7th Annual CANO Member Exhibition, Oneonta Community Arts Network, Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Ave. Oneonta. For information: Opening reception: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

March 7 to April 11

"Large Works", Roxbury Arts Center, Walt Meade Gallery and Hilt and Stella Kelly Hall, 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxubry. For information:, 607-326-7908. Opening reception: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

2020 Premiere Gallery Exhibit, GOLDEN Master Teacher Class Exhibition, Earlville Opera House, 18 E. Main St., Earlville. Opening reception: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Current exhibitions

Until March 13

"Earth Water Sky: Landscapes from the Museum Collection". Yager Museum of Arts and Culture, Hartwick College. For info: 607-431-4480, [email protected].

‘BLACK IS A COLOR’, by Susan Roth, Golden Artist Colors, Sam and Adele Golden Gallery, 188 Bell Road New Berlin. For information:

Until March 15

"Artists Choose Artists 2020", Longyear Gallery, 785 Main St., Margaretville. For info: 845-586-3270,

Until March 17

Catching Light Glass Artwork exhibition, SUNY Art Gallery Oneontas Martin-Muller. For info: 607-436-2445 or 607-436-3456.

Until March 20

Baroque and Badly Bent by Anthony Hanakovic, Chenango Arts Council, 27 W. Main St., Norwich.

Until March 25

Mount Vision Sanitarium and Mount Vision Inn, Township of Laurens Historical Society, 69 Main St. Laurens. For info: 607-293-7356, 607-432-0277.

Until March 27

“An artistic discovery, gallery A; "Robots re-Wired", Gallery B; Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main St. For info: 607-547-9777,

Until April 9

To Grow of Farmer, photography by Wesley Bernard, SUNY Cobleskill, Grosvenor Art Gallery, Cobleskill.

Until April 30

“Upcycling: Diaries & Work of Norma Collins, Delaware County Historical Association, 46549 State Route 10, Delhi. For info: [email protected], 607-746-3849, l,

Natures Visions Birdlife, photographs by Lynn Cleveland, Rogers Environmental Education Center, 2721 State Route 80, Sherburne. For info: 607-674-4733.

Until May 3

Frozen Warnings, works by Richard Barlow, Bushel Collective, 106 Main St. Delhi.

Until May 16

The Two Rivers Photography Club, 6 On The Square, 6 Lafayette Park, Oxford.

Until May 30

Ties that Bind Community Project, Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main Street, Pine Hill.

Until July 31

"Dadibaajimo: Two Mississauga Artists Share Stories", Yager Museum of Art and Culture, Hartwick College, Oneonta. For information:, 607-431-4480, [email protected].

Until May 2021

"Silent Lakes & Flashing Rivers: 20th Century Fishing Cultures in Temagami", Yager Museum of Art & Culture, Hartwick College, Oneonta. For info: [email protected].

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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