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The best places to buy vintage and thrifty fashion


Buying vintage, used or second-hand clothing is good for the environment because you reuse clothes that would normally end up in a landfill, while refusing fast fashion. It is also ideal for your wallet (usually). Thrifting gives you the opportunity to buy something that others may not have, express your unique style and save serious money in the process.

In the era of the coronavirus, when so many people see their wages go down or disappear, second-hand clothing stores are important resources. Whether you want to buy a top for less than $ 10 or want a rare luxury vintage option, it’s important to know where to buy. We have compiled the following list of 25 of the best places to buy vintage and thrifty fashion.

Photo: vagabondiavintage / Etsy

Etsy has long been an essential resource for those who want original and hard to find handcrafted products, as well as vintage. There are seemingly endless stores that organize their products to fit a certain aesthetic, theme or time period, making it easy to find what you’re looking for.

Vintage baroque print shorts and vest set from the 1990s – 1970s style, from Vagabondia Vintage, available at $ 48

Photo: worthybirdstore / eBay

EBay is another website where you can fall into the rabbit hole of thousands (if not millions) of options for used and / or vintage clothing. If you want to add something specific to your wardrobe, you will probably find it on this website.

Vintage Laura Mae Life Sportswear navy blue white size L XL polka dot dress DS19, from worthybirdstore, Available on, $ 19.95

Photo: Treasures of New York

If you’re looking for a vintage / used luxury brand treat to cheer you up, head over to the Treasures of NYC website. You’ll find all the big names there – Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Hermes, Versace, and more, at a reasonable price.

Black hat with Gucci logo, Available at$ 290

Photo: amfyboutique / Poshmark

Need to take a vintage or new T-shirt every day, or the perfect summer dress? Do you want jewelry or a designer item? Need to sell clothes you no longer wear? You can do it all on Poshmark. You can even accumulate a balance of items sold and use it directly to buy something new.

Women’s Matty Long Sleeve T-Shirt With Side Zippers, from amfyboutique, Available on$ 15

Photo: The way we wore

According to their website, “Our way of wearing is the ultimate destination in Los Angeles for high-end or everyday vintage clothing, jewelry and accessories for women. But you don’t have to go to L.A. to buy their impressive selection of vintage gems – you can buy online!


Photo: HODGE PODGE LODGE – 1 / Ruby

On her site, Ruby Lane has a seal proclaiming it “the trusted vintage market # 1”, so you can feel comfortable shopping from her selection of antique and vintage fashion, retro decor, art, and more. Like many other vintage / used websites, you can also sell your valuables for extra pocket money.

Autumn trio of scarves – b143, de HODGE PODGE LODGE – 1, Available at$ 10

Depop is the destination for all the cool generation Z kids who want to buy and sell trendy and trendy clothes. The app looks like Instagram, allowing you to preview the plethora of options available.

GOS Sprayed Pattern Denim, by josfrenk, available at, $ 37.33

Photo: thredUP

ThredUP’s reputation is that it is the “largest online consignment and used store”, which means that there is a good chance that you will find what you are looking for on its well organized website . Additional bonus? You get up to 50% discount on your first order.

Fabletics training jacket, available at, $ 21.59

Photo: What’s going on is coming

What Goes Around Comes Around is a New York-based vintage store that specializes in “the best luxury vintage.” Here’s where you go (online for now) when you want something from a special Louis Vuitton collection from years past, or a golden Chanel belt to dress up your white t-shirt and jeans.

Chanel belt in black leather and golden chain, available at$ 760

Photo: 1stdibs

1st dibs is another luxury website where you can find the unique and sought after in terms of furniture, art, jewelry and fashion. They have carefully created a section on their home page called “dear mom”, for your Mother’s Day gift needs.

Swarovski Crystals Stardust Blue Knot Necklace, Available at$ 55

FASHIONPHILE, a company in which Neiman Marcus has a minority stake, describes itself as “the leading and most reliable source on the secondary market for luxury handbags”. In business since 1999, the site allows you to get an expensive second-hand bag, jewelry, watches and accessories at good prices, even offering a 60 day layaway.

Louis Vuitton Monogram Small Ring Agenda Cover, available at$ 225

Photo: Tradesy

You are far from home society, but you may need to add essentials to your daily wardrobe. Tradesy, “the luxury fashion resale market,” lets you shop for trendy options from the comfort of your own home.

Sandals Sam Edelman Gold Metallic Andy, by SimplyChic, Available at$ 55

Photo: juanjo / Vestiare Collective

We all want fashion, but getting it for many is a total victory. Vestiare Collective offers “the best of second-hand fashion at a discount of 30% to 70% on the original sale price”, and we are there for that, especially in the current economic climate.

Converse low-top sneakers in fabric, by juanjo, available on, $ 28.98

Photo: Old But Good Vintage / ASOS Marketplace

You can already buy ASOS for trendy fashion, but have you checked their market place? There you can buy vintage, independent and multi-brand finds.

Old But Good Vintage’s Adidas Vintage three-stripe embroidered track pants, available at, $ 26.17

Photo: RealReal

Real Real guarantees that the designer and the luxury products you buy from them are legitimate, thanks to their internal authentication team. When you join the site, you automatically get a $ 25 credit for the purchase of your dreams.

Kenneth Jay Lane crystal wooden bracelet, from, available at, $ 37.50

Photo: vnssngn / Vinted

“Vinted is open to anyone who believes that good clothes should last a long time.” We were surprised to find stylish pants for spring and summer for less than $ 10. And you can sell the clothes you don’t use to buy new items!

PACSUN Boho Orange Flowy Pants, , Available at vintedcom$ 8

Photo: Farfetch

Farfetch is another website you should check out for chic and new fashion. The company describes itself as “luxury fashion at your fingertips”, with options for women, men and children from more than 3,000 brands.

Reformation floral print jumpsuit, available at$ 290


Savings are all about the thrill of the hunt, the feeling you get when you unearth a newly discovered treasure. The goodwill of your neighborhood can produce some of these gems, but unfortunately, we cannot go in person at the moment with COVID-19. Fortunately, you can go to to catch antique, vintage and used gold.

Two thin band rings size 6.75 and 8 marked 925, Available at, $ 12.99

What if you need clothes now but don’t have the energy and / or desire to research every item? Material World will do the work for you because the company is “a personal style service offering second-hand designer items at 90% off retail.” 90%! It’s a lot of savings for style.

Available at materialworldco, “5 used items, $ 29 in style, free two-way delivery. Your styling costs of $ 29 are credited if you buy at least one item. “

Photo: LePrix

It’s fun to shop online at a consignment store, but LePrix takes it to the next level by offering a selection “curated by the best designer consignment stores in the world”. We are talking about over 600 stores and you get free delivery with every purchase!

Ralph Lauren Black Label Size Large Cashmere Sweater, from, Available at$ 60

Photo: Beyond retro

Beyond Retro has physical stores in the UK and Sweden, but with the magic of the Internet, you can enjoy their vintage goodness at home. Think comfortable t-shirts and sweatshirts, stylish dresses and more from the 1960s to the 1990s.

90s (Ikeda) Overalls Overalls, from, Available at, $ 52.28

Photo: offers second-hand items such as clothing for men, babies, children and women (including maternity!), Toys, and more, at great prices. You can also get rid of items you no longer want at home, for a profit.

Just Living Maternity gray maternity pants, size L, available at$ 11

Photo: LXRandCo

LXRandCo is next on our list of used websites from which you want to buy. They specialize in luxury handbags, small merchandise, jewelry and watches, keeping the laser focused on transporting the best in their niche categories.

Hermes Guernsey Card holder, Available at, $ 171.50

Photo: The vintage twin

Calling itself “the most sustainable brand in the world”, The Vintage Twin offers a “handpicked and reworked vintage” that you can buy by yourself or with the help of a stylist. The completely free service (no cost and no obligation) allows you to take a 90-second style quiz, after which a stylist will send you a link to a collection organized especially for you.

Champion inverted woven sweatshirt, available at$ 88



Our final suggestion for vintage / used / used shopping websites to visit is EL CYCR. Have you never had this item rad from the unique collection of a luxury brand? You can now add it to your basket. Think of the Dior pink monogram, Chanel sweaters, Louis Vuitton Stephen Sprouse sneakers and other unique finds.

Christian Dior Navy Diorissimo Waist Bag, Available at$ 640

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