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Traders Dress Like Harry Styles And Give Their Verdict On The Sun's Flamboyant Looks


WITH a family name like Styles, its only right that pop star Harry should have an eye for fashion.

The singer has certainly sported a unique look recently.

    Harry Styles has a very unique look, but can he draw an average guy from the singer's particular style?


Harry Styles has a very unique look, but can he draw an average guy from the singer's particular style?Credit: Rex Features

From a bold canary yellow suit and purple tie to a set of pearls with comfortable knits, you can never accuse her taste of going into One Direction.

But does Harry's flamboyant look work on your average guy?

Kate Jackson asked two men to try out some of her eye-catching outfits and we also invited their partners to give their verdict.

Styling by Siobhan OConnor, photos by Olivia West and Louis Wood.

Truck driver Jon Wright, 47

    Jon Wright, 47, said: Ive had funny looks in yellow & # 39;


Jon Wright, 47, said: Ive had funny looks in yellow & # 39;Credit: Louis Wood – The Sun
    The father of two recreated the look of Harry Styles and decided that he liked the yellow suit but that he could not wear it because he is not a pop star


The father of two recreated the look of Harry Styles and decided that he liked the yellow suit but that he could not wear it because he is not a pop starCredit: BackGrid

JON, a father of two from Washington in West Sussex, said: I liked the yellow suit. "But since I'm not a pop star, I don't know where I would wear it. It's not like you can wear it to Tesco. I did make it get some funny looks when I'm taken out into the street, especially from passing bus drivers. "

I felt like Huggy Bear from Starsky And Hutch in the plush coat and the jeans. I also like this outfit. It was fun to dress like Harry. But I was relieved not to have had to wear the black chiffon number he wore during his British performances. And pearl and lace necklaces are not for me. "I really like the garish stuff actually, I was a little disappointed not to see a red and white suit in which I saw Harry.

Jons' wife Rebecca, 46, aromatherapist, 46, said: Jon normally wears jeans and shirts. He's a smart dresser, but it's fun to see him in something a little more outward. I liked the plush coat and the flares and the yellow suit, but the pearls and the frilly collars are a definite stop for me.

    Jon explained that he felt like `` Huggy Bear from Starsky And Hutch '' & amp; # 39; in this plush coat and jeans


Jon explained that he felt like “ Huggy Bear from Starsky And Hutch '' & amp; # 39; in this plush coat and jeansCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun
    Jon Rebecca's wife said she liked this outfit on Jon


Jon Rebecca's wife said she liked this outfit on JonCredit: Splash News

Mechanic Stephen Hilburn, 34

    Stephen Hilburn, 34, said pearls and lace weren't for him


Stephen Hilburn, 34, said pearls and lace weren't for himCredit: Olivia West – The Sun
    The mechanic says that Harry is a young guy "with a lot of money and does not give the monkeys what others think"


The mechanic says that Harry is a young guy "with a lot of money and does not give the monkeys what others think"Credits: Getty Images – Getty

STEPHEN, of Rochford, Essex, said: It is a no to pearls and lace. . "

These pieces are not for me, however. "And the pink jacket is not a shade that I would normally have chosen."

Still, it feels good to wear it and I love the cut. I would keep it although my co-workers would probably tear me apart if they saw me wearing this. I would probably wear a few pieces of Harrys outfits but maybe not all of them together.

Michelle Court, 36, partner of Stephens, said: The blue top and the green pants don't look cool. If Stephen showed up in the evening wearing this outfit, I would turn around. "

    Although pink is not a shade Stephen would go for, he loved the cut and felt comfortable there.


Although pink is not a shade Stephen would go for, he loved the cut and felt comfortable there.Credit: Olivia West – The Sun
    Michelle, Stephen's partner, said she was not convinced by the look, but that she liked the flares of the 70s.


Michelle, Stephen's partner, said she was not convinced by the look, but that she liked the flares of the 70s.Credit: PA: Press Association

When I saw Harry on British television on his yellow suit, I joked that if Stephen and I got married he should wear something like that. "

Harrys left a little David Bowie, a little the camp. Maybe he is creating a brand. I'm not convinced by everything he wears, but I like Seventies rockets and I think Stephen could take some of it. "

"But certainly no lace and pearls. It is not sexy.

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