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Dress code for women by Planet Fitness to wear a cropped top at the gym in New Jersey

Dress code for women by Planet Fitness to wear a cropped top at the gym in New Jersey



A gym practitioner shared her experience of being coded by Planet Fitness staff when she wore a cropped top for a workout that allegedly broke the rules.

The Fairfield, New Jersey, location of Planet Fitness, marketed as a “non-judgmental zone,” was the focus of the viral video from TikTok user Alana Gomez-Solis. According to Gomez-Solis, employees told him his shirt was too short, “so I should lower my shirt more and pull my leggings up more.”

In the image shown, Gomez-Solis is wearing a branded red crop top from Rutgers University, which she attends, as well as black athletic leggings, an outfit that wouldn’t look out of place in any gym.

“Planet Fitness employees told me this outfit violated their dress code,” she captioned the clip, in which she jokingly mimed the words, “If you don’t like me, it is fine, but you know, watch your mouth. “

According to the Planet Fitness website, the gym dress code only enforces rules on “clothing that may be perceived as intimidating, revealing, or offensive.” The gym lists examples of prohibited clothing such as open-toed shoes, jeans or pants with prominent eyelets, dirty clothing, and “clothing with messages that a reasonable person may find offensive or inappropriate.”

In the five days since its publication, the video has gained over 200,000 views and comments have been filled with confusion over the actions of Planet Fitness.

“Wait, what? I was legitimately wearing a sports bra [at Planet Fitness]”wrote one viewer.

“It’s more covered up than almost everyone I see at Jersey Strong? Are they kidding?” added another.

“What? I was literally wearing a crop top and shorts to Planet Fitness where I’m going the other day,” wrote one TikTok user.

In a statement, Planet Fitness apologized for Gomez-Solis’ experience and promised to train gym staff on the company’s dress code, which does not ban crop tops.

“We sincerely apologize for the unfortunate incident that took place at our location in Fairfield, NJ.

“In this case, a staff member mistakenly applied a company dress code policy. We are working closely with the local franchise owner to re-educate our staff on the policies in effect.

“We have also contacted this member directly to apologize personally and look forward to welcoming him back to our clubs.”

Gym experiences have steadily gone viral on TikTok in recent months, including a woman’s ‘horrific’ gym workout that confused viewers and an all-female gym, which sparked heated debates online.

News week contacted Planet Fitness and Alana Gomez-Solis for comment.

Planet Fitness logo in a gym
Image of a Planet Fitness logo in a gym. The gym has become the focus of a viral dress code video.
Don Emmert / Getty Images




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