The best sun protection clothing, according to experts
While sunscreen is definitely your best protection against the scorching sun, you should also consider wearing sunscreen clothing as another layer of defense. Historically, UPF clothing hasn’t been the most fashionable, but luckily there are now a handful of stylish and protective options from different brands online.
In an effort to help you find the most reliable sun protection clothing, The Post interviewed a handful of doctors and experts about the best UPF brands and the importance of wearing UPF clothing.
What is a UPF garment?
UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection Factor.
“A UPF rating is given to fabrics that protect your skin from the sun and indicates what fraction of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can penetrate a piece of fabric,” Lisa Chipps, MD, a certified dermatologist practicing in Beverly Hills and spokesperson for them. Skin cancer foundation, told the Post.
“The [SCF] recommends choosing clothing with a UPF of at least 30 to provide sufficient sun protection. A UPF of 30 to 49 offers very good protection, while a UPF 50+ is the best.
Why is it important to wear UPF clothing?
“Protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer and prevent premature skin aging,” Chipps said, noting that “about 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 86% of melanomas are caused by UV rays. “
“Using sun protective clothing is part of an effective sun protection routine, which also includes applying sunscreen, seeking shade, and avoiding exposure during peak hours of the day. sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. “
Why can’t I wear my usual clothes instead?
While you might like wearing your favorite t-shirt on the beach, it won’t necessarily be the best line of defense when it comes to UV protection.
“A UPF of 50 blocks 49/50 or 98% of UV rays when worn”, board-certified dermatologistDr. Azadeh Shirazi mentionned. “A white t-shirt only has an SPF of 8.”
Chipps further explained that while covering your skin with any clothing item is a step in the right direction, “not all clothing is created equal.”
“There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a fabric for sun protection purposes,” Chipps said. “First of all, look at the tightness of the weaving of the fabrics. A tightly woven piece with smaller holes between the threads, like denim, will provide more protection than a piece with an open weave, like a crochet shawl.
“Second, thicker, darker fabrics are more protective than thin, light fabrics. Bleached cotton offers little protection, while black corduroy would block UV rays more. said Chipps. “Finally, synthetic materials are better for UV protection than natural materials. The advantage of wearing clothing with a UPF rating is that it allows you to be sure of the level of protection that the clothing provides.
UPF clothing brands, recommended by experts
While our primary focus is on UPF clothing for women, many of the following brands also sell options for men, children, and babies.
1. Solbari
Famous esthetician Candace Marino loves Solbari UPF clothing, a brand that offers a variety of items from clothing for women and men to skin care and accessories.
“The basics of the solbaridos are great, and they are light, which makes them portable or [easy to layer] for any climate. They [have many different] UPF clothing [options] for all occasions and their styles range from leisure to business, ”said Marino. “Personally, I have a few of their long sleeve T-shirts and leggings. Their lightweight fabric is perfect for a hike and I will keep a [Solbari] shirt in my bag every time I’m at the beach or by a pool.
2. Lilly pulitzer
Two experts we interviewed for this piece really love to wear and recommend Lilly Pulitzer UPF clothing. Whether you’re looking for a sunscreen sweatshirt to wear in cooler weather or a protective tennis skirt, the brand has tons of colorful options for you.
“I love Lilly Pulitzer’s UPF clothing because it has a wide variety of options,” Shirazi said. “From sportswear to everyday wear, swimsuits and even children’s wear, it’s easy to find everything you need. It’s also very avant-garde that I love.
“Lilly Pulitzers clothes are so cute, and the bright colors and patterns are perfect for summer,” Engelman added. “Their clothes take you from the beach to gatherings with friends and family.”
3. Mott50
Certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelman can’t say enough good things about Mott50. The trendy UPF swimwear and clothing brand has options for women, men, kids, babies and more.
“My family and I love Mott50, and I have confidence that my children are comfortable and well protected in the lightweight Mott50 UPF 50+ fabric,” said Engelman. “Mott50 has so many bright and beautiful patterns and styles that there is something for everyone, and it’s fun to mix and match their different pieces. “
Marino is also very fond of Mott50 UPF clothing, especially the Stylish sweatpants.
“A lot of times when people think of sun protection, they think of the top half of the body and forget that our legs need protection too,” said Marino. “These pants make sure that the lower half of the body is just as protected. [They] can be dressed or worn casually and are great for travel.
4. Janessa Leon
If you’re looking for a trendy UPF-compatible sun hat and don’t mind spending a few extra bucks, Janessa Leon is the place to go for some shopping.
“It is the only brand to offer UPF products that are truly cutting edge,” said Marino. “While most brands’ designs are aimed at children and the elderly, her hats are something that will become an instant staple in anyone’s wardrobe and no one will know you are wearing a UPF product. ”
5. Cabin life
Engelman is a big supporter of Cabana Life because of his brand’s history.
“Cabana Life was founded after one of its two founders was diagnosed with skin cancer,” said Engelman. “The two women decided to create stylish clothes that also offer excellent sun protection. “
“As a dermatologist and surgeon at Mohs, I see a lot of patients who have skin cancer or have worrying spots from sun damage, so I constantly advise my patients to protect themselves properly,” he said. added Engelman. “I really appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into Cabana Lifes clothing and the message they share about solar safety.”
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