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Why men’s summer sandals are making a big impact among Gen Z


As a general introduction, fashion motivates me to write about topics that I would normally let go of without being discussed. Over the years I have become passionate about the use of sandals and slides and how these items pair well with younger generations. Specifically, today in menswear there doesn’t seem to be any set of ingrained style rules to follow because the set of rules of do’s and don’ts had guided men in the past. For traditionalists, there is something about a direct encounter with the rules and guidelines of menswear that will always be an exception to follow. For example, some rules to follow such as always closing the bottom button of your polo shirt or moving the sleeve of your sports suit / jacket back one inch from your shirt. In some very conservative cases, the shirt will only be exposed to about 1/4 inch.

Thinking about the origin of men’s sandals, I decided to take a look at the story of this article. The word sandal comes from the Greek sandals or sandal and can date back 10,000 years. They were often worn by Greek and Roman soldiers to fight in battle and were known as cothurnes made primarily from mugwort bark. Fast forward to today, slides and sandals and have adopted many styles that the best luxury brands have designed many styles to appease all kinds of men.

Surprisingly often, a common debate between men of style and the rules of style is the the fashion of sandals. In fact, my curiosity raises questions and concerns that fuel my research. Nowadays, the way to wear sandals and slides is a rapidly changing opinion among male consumers. However, the mysterious meaning of daring is how tap dancing has come to the forefront of menswear for the younger generations and Gen Z.

Yet another example is that essentially all luxury brands create their own unique version of a slide. And rightly so, because this men’s item is spot on. Because of this creative dynamic, one of the most intriguing aspects is that its popularity is due to dressing comfortably. While in recent years, the influence of Millennials and Gen Z has generated a bigger impact on the point of sale than brand strategists anticipated.

The classic adage that says you can’t wear socks with sandals not only came out on proverbial window, but has now become a very avant-garde look that often pairs well with shorts and pants.

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I can confidently say that sandals / slides are very trendy in 2021 and they seem to be here to stay. All I recommend for men is that you take good care of your feet! Below I have compiled a list of the best luxury summer sandals / slides for men this summer.

Alexander McQueen:

Alexander McQueen– Ultramarine blue tread sandal with an ergonomic oversized rubber sole, finished with a leather closure and web strap. The straps have rubber tabs and a lacquered buckle closure adorned with the Alexander McQueen signature. Finished with a round toe silhouette. $ 690


Berluti-Sifnos Scritto Leather sandal with braided detail.$ 770


Dior$ 1,050

Dolce & Gabbana:

Dolce & Gabbana-The Parco dei Principi collection is inspired by the Italian architecture and design of the 60s, which resulted in overlays of materials, shapes and volumes. The sea and its colors are the key to this new collection, which represents an ode to the artistic beauty of our Mediterranean. These Pantheon gladiator sandals are made from supple calfskin with contrasting stitching and side buckle closure. $ 875


Ferragamo-Salvatore Ferragamos Gancini sandals are a must-have for men this summer. With wide cross straps, minimal lines and a soft leather sole, it has a full summer feel. The Gancini pattern woven into its jacquard fabric blends beautifully with the leather interior and padded insole with custom stitching.$ 560

Givenchy :

Givenchy-The rubber Marshmallow sandals are the perfect addition to anyone’s summer wardrobe, allowing ease and comfort while maintaining a fashionable, yet elevated look. $ 375


GucciThe horsebit mixes with the web band on this black leather sandal. A square toe blends with the model’s block heel to create a mix of vintage and contemporary accents. $ 980

Louis Vuitton:

Louis Vuitton Inspired by the iconic LV Trainer sneaker, the LV Trainer mule combines a nubuck and suede calfskin upper with an extremely light and flexible micro sole. Two wide adjustable straps and an anatomical sole reinforce the comfort of this model, which bears the Louis Vuitton handwritten signature in silver on the side. $ 1,030

Maison Margiela:

Margiela House-Flat sandals in calfskin with the Maison’s signature Tabi split toe and adjustable buckles on the top and sides. The iconic Tabi shoe, inspired by the traditional 15th-century Japanese sock of the same name, was launched for the Maison’s first collection in 1989. It captures the avant-garde and rebellious spirit of the House and exists as a classic heritage, continuously explored through each collection.$ 990

Malone Shoes:

Malone Shoes-The Gabriel sandal is made of smooth and supple calfskin in black color and handcrafted in Italy. The sandal is sure to enhance all your summer looks. $ 405

Paul Smith:

Paul smith-Made in Italy from premium suede, these beige “Mesa” shoes feature a backless design with an adjustable “Signature Stripe” webbing strap.$ 395

Paul Stuart:

Paul stuart-These stylish leather sandals are the go-to shoe style that every well-dressed man should have in his wardrobe. In black, cognac and dark brown leather, they have an ergonomic footbed and a rubber sole. In a suit or in shorts, each summer they complete the looks of well-dressed men this year. $ 240


Ermenegildo Zegna – Crafted from smooth black calfskin and highlighted by the iconic PELLETESSUTA detail, these refined double-strap sandals are perfect for a Luxury Leisurewear summer look. $ 595




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