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Pippa Middleton’s stunning dress she wore to brother James’ wedding is unreal


Laura Sutcliffe

The wedding of the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger brother, James, was a big deal. The youngest offspring Middleton married Alizée Thevenet on Saturday September 11, after postponing their wedding day twice due to the pandemic.

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The beautiful ceremony took place in Bormes-les-Mimosas, famous for being one of the most beautiful villages on the Côte d’Azur. Alizée looked breathtaking in her summery gown – a floor-length white dress with a Bardot neckline and embroidered details that Carole Middleton, the mother of the groom, wore on her wedding day to husband Michael.

Pippa’s beautiful dress


Teaberry peony floral midi dress, £ 440, Beulah


The photos of the happy couple have been shared exclusively with HELLO! and it was a joy to see family and friends enjoying the day in photographs.

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James’ sister Pippa can be seen and we can reveal that her stunning wedding guest dress is from the royally beloved brand Beulah London.


PRETTY LAVISH Ashton abstract pattern midi dress, £ 72, Selfridges


The ‘Peony Teaberry Floral Midi Dress’ costs £ 440 and is available in two colors, a rosy pink and a delicate blue. The mother of two, Pippa, went for the pink version, and we think you’ll agree, it’s just gorgeous.


Kate is a big fan of Beulah London

Crafted from luxurious silk crepe de chine and printed with vibrant pink flowers, it also features ruffles at the cape-style neckline and hem to the ankle, as well as a subtle side slit. We love the fitted look at the waist, which comes with a contrasting tie belt. All sizes are currently available which is great news if you are looking to invest.

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Beulah London is a proudly sustainable fashion house that was founded in 2010 by Natasha Rufus Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan. It has both royal and celebrity audiences, including the Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Beatrice and Sarah Jessica Parker, Sienna Miller and Kate Moss. That’s what you call an awesome line-up, isn’t it?

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