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American Eagle launches premium jeans brand AE77 – Sourcing Journal


With a strong foothold in the specialty teen denim market, American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) is entering the high-end segment with an all-new brand for men and women that adopts a “mindset first for fashion.” planet ‘for design.

The company presented on Wednesday AE77, a range of denim “intended to be inhabited, repaired and recycled”.

“We created AE77 to make the best premium denim on the market,” said Chad Kessler, president of premium brands American Eagle. “The optimistic tension between denim design and sustainable craftsmanship is woven throughout the brand. “

All AE77 jeans are made with the aim of reducing their environmental impact through more sustainable techniques and machines, the company said. All fabrics are produced using sustainable raw materials “wherever possible”, while all cotton is sustainably sourced through the Better Cotton Initiative. AE77 claims the exclusive use of green chemistry in the production of jeans to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances commonly used in denim washing and only works with factories that meet AEO’s highest water requirements, exceeding the requirements for water recycling, water management and wastewater.

American Eagle on Wednesday presented AE77, a denim brand

AE77 store in New York

To strengthen its commitment to the planet, AE77 pledges to donate 1% of its annual sales to the non-profit organization 1% For the Planet.

Although American Eagle has advanced its sustainable footprint with circular denim, this attention to sustainability comes at a higher price. AE77 sells for between $ 168 and $ 188. In comparison, most new American Eagle jeans sell for between $ 49.95 and $ 69.95.

The premium denim collection has nine fits and heroes, including a classic fit suitable for men and women. The men’s range, available in sizes 28-36, includes slim and skinny fits. The women’s range, offered in sizes 23-33, includes western, straight, flare, bootcut and skinny fits. Vintage-inspired details, including so-called “5 year medium wash” and “15 year destroy light wash” washes are found throughout the denim collection.

An assortment of recycled cashmere, LA knit, Japanese flannel, and vintage fleece tops complete the jeans. Dresses and tops with feminine touches of lace, ribbed details, ruffles and pointelles also pair with denim. Denim-free pieces cost from $ 28 for a bandana to $ 248 for a recycled cashmere sweater.

“We are committed to putting our planet and quality first while curating a unique collection with a New York sensibility,” Kessler added.

New York City shoppers will get a taste of the AE77. The brand debuted with its first store in SoHo, designed by Stefan Beckman Studio, and a second store will open by the end of the year. An e-commerce site will be launched on October 15.

American Eagle introduced AE77, a premium denim brand “meant to be lived in, repaired and recycled”.

AE77 campaign

Executives showcased the new concept during the company’s second quarter earnings call earlier this month, while painting a confident future for American Eagle’s (AE) denim business. “AE’s position as a denim destination couldn’t be stronger. Our jeans collections continue to deliver great results for all genders. We believe the current trends and shape changes will be a huge win for the AE industry, ”said Jennifer Foyle, President and CEO of Creative, AE and Aerie. The women’s business saw its strength in the socks in the fashion and comfy categories, while the men’s business focused on the outfit, with AE the # 1 jeans brand among its teenage population.

With its higher price tag and emphasis on sustainable design, AE77 provides an opportunity for American Eagle to expand its consumer base. In an interview with Ad Age, Kessler said that AE77 targets post-graduate Gen X shoppers and young people in their mid-twenties to mid-forties.

“AE77 is an exciting new opportunity for AEO Inc., which leverages our jeans leadership, capitalizes on our strong innovation in style, fit and manufacturing, and incorporates our best sustainability practices,” said Jay Schottenstein, CEO and Senior Executive of AEO Inc. Chairman of the Board. “I think AE77 is a great addition to our brand portfolio as we look to inspire new customers and expand our offerings.”




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