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Fashion Show Raises Thousands for Wagoner Education Foundation | New


Wagoner educators and students they teach will be the benefactors of a very successful fundraiser for the fashion show hosted on Monday March 2 by the Wagoner Education Foundation, Inc.

The evening deal included fashions modeled by Wagoner teachers, a light dinner, a silent auction, and a live auction.

Now in its ninth year, the 2020 fashion show has raised $ 16,502 to fund teacher grants over the next school year. Janet Lane, President of WEFI, said that $ 8,275 of this amount had been generously donated by businesses and individuals before the event.

Many donations come from people who have learned that this is the organization’s only fundraiser of the year and who wish to contribute to the organization’s efforts, said Lane.

The silent auction raised $ 3,310. Some of the best fundraisers include the Bulldog quilt made by Charla Vaught, tickets to an Alan Jackson concert given by radio station 106.1, UGG coverage given by Dillards of Woodland Hills Mall and a grid. of OSU firewood built and donated by Sean Cooper.

Artwork donated by members of the Wagoner Arts Alliance, as well as donations from local businesses, have also been generously donated.

The quilt, which is still a big draw, was purchased by Kay Cleeland with a bid of $ 800.

Lane said a new attraction at the fashion show this year was an exhibit showcasing decorative wreaths designed by staff at each of the five campuses of Wagoner Public School. Collectively, they raised $ 500.

The highest bid of $ 140 was for the crown of the Wagoner Middle School, while the entrance to the Ellington Early Childhood Centers was very close.

The models for Bella Meas, Dillards and Rock-N-Mamas were Denise Brinkley, Holly Cagle, Elsa Kuehn, Sherrie Moody, Melinda Purtle, Stacie Schilling, Susan Smith and Tracy White.

Model coach, trainer Zach Ange, and science teacher Craig Flatter entertained the crowd while modeling Dillards' clothes. Master of Ceremonies Anthony Jackson encouraged the men to strut around for advice from the ladies of the audience. All donations went to total evenings.

Lane said that a total of 190 tickets were sold for the show, with only a few seats remaining empty.

It was fun and everything went well, she said. The Wagoner Education Foundation would like to thank everyone who participated.

Photos and lists of donors are available on the WEFI Facebook page.

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