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Gou Getter: what's next for South Korean DJ and fashion designer Peggy Gou


Gou Getter: what's next for South Korean DJ and fashion designer Peggy Gou

Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong

By Rosana Lai "data-scale-feed =" 1 "data-scale-square =" 1 "data-scale-landscape =" 1 "data-scale-portrait =" 1 "style =" transform: scale (1) translateZ (0) "data-defer-src ="

By Rosana Lai

March 09, 2020

In 2019, the famous South Korean DJ Peggy Gou launched a record label, Gudu, and a fashion label, Kirinbut for the creative polymath, this is just the beginning.

On a hot September 2017 evening at Stockholm Fashion Week, the stylish ensemble from Sweden was packed in a stuffy place for the closing party where a then emerging South Korean DJ named Peggy Gou was spinning in a small side room. At just 25, at the start of her career, she still dragged CD trunks to her club dates – more comfortable with archaic support than the USB flash drives used by her peers – while finding her place in the techno and scene of the house.

On the main stage, Virgil Abloh, WhiteFounder and now Louis VuittonThe men's fashion art director shared the spotlight with multi-platinum artist Kelis. No one, she was convinced, would show up to listen to him. But one person did it, and it was Abloh himself.

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Kirin T-shirt and Sacai tweed dress, Tiffany & Co gold chain necklace and bracelet (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)
Kirin T-shirt and Sacai tweed dress, Tiffany & Co gold chain necklace and bracelet (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)

"He told me that he was a fan and that he wanted to say hello to him," said Gou, still in an incredulous tone. "I was floored."

They may have been at different times in their careers, but it soon became apparent that, like many artists of their generation, unbridled ambition and the talent for weaving seamlessly between disciplines were qualities that They shared.

"I really liked his attitude," says Gou. "One of his friends wanted him to design a fitted suitcase for a car, and Virgil replied," No, I want to design the car ". And that's exactly me. That's what I would say . "

On that fateful night, Abloh invited Gou to DJ at his next Off-White x Dazed party at a London club on The Strand, where she met Claudio Antonioli and Davide De Giglio, the founders of the streetwear conglomerate New Guard Group (NGG). It was not an ordinary meeting; the Farfetch-owned company recently acquired Opening Ceremony and has Off-White and Ambush under its umbrella. That evening, Gou joined their ranks.

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Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong
Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong

Claiming Glory

Fast forward three years, and Gou is now the proud owner of his own label, Gudu Records; a fashion brand, Kirin (the Korean word for giraffe, his favorite animal: "They are so peaceful and calm – the opposite of me") under NGG; the lucrative Embassy deals with likes of Louis Vuitton; and a screaming fan base that can shout the Korean lyrics of his hit single It Makes You Forget in 2018 in deafening unison.

Tucked away in a comfortable apartment in Seoul on an afternoon in January, I caught up with Gou on the set of our photo shoot, somewhere between his two passions. She has a leg pulled up on the makeup chair as she greedily devours tteok-bokki, a traditional Korean spicy rice cake dish, the first thing she wants to return to her hometown. She cradles the fork to prevent the red sauce from dripping onto the denim racing jacket she wears, from her first Kirin collection. In town for a DJ at a Jimmy Choo party, she had just returned from a sold out concert in Tokyo where the queue was winding around several blocks in Shinjuku – and she still the golden tan of the recent holidays in Bali.

"I had a fever of 39 degrees, and I just wanted to play two hours instead of three, but I finally succeeded because the energy of the crowd was crazy," she says. with the familiar hoarse voice found on her tracks, perhaps made deeper by the cold than she is nursing. But she is also very lively, her hands waving as she reflects on her whirling career.

Kirin racing striped jacket and pants, Knorts tank top, Jimmy Choo heels, Tiffany & Co gold chain necklace (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)
Kirin racing striped jacket and pants, Knorts tank top, Jimmy Choo heels, Tiffany & Co gold chain necklace (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)

Eclectic beginnings

Growing up, Gou's musical education came from a combination of classical scores taught to him during his piano lessons and listening to analog tunes from old Korean pop songs on his parents' radio. "This is where I inspire my words," she says. "They were so much more poetic, so I use words in my songs now that the kids probably never heard of it."

In her school bag, she always wore a walkman and edgy stockings or socks to brighten up her uniform once she was at school – and away from her mother's watchful gaze. "My mom never understood why I wouldn't just wear what she bought me," she says. "I have always had a strong personal taste in my style; I just wanted to put together what was cool. "In fact, she first pursued a career as a stylist at the London College of Fashion, and even completed an internship at Harper's Bazaar Korea, but soon realized that she didn’t 39; was neither interested nor particularly adept at dressing others. "It didn't make my heart beat fast enough," she said.

There are so many beautiful things about Korea that I want people to look and think.

– Peggy Gou

Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong
Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong


Meanwhile, Gou discovered the DJ scene through her boyfriend at the time – a DJ from whom she learned beatmatching and digging – and her love of going to dance clubs like London's Plastic People every week weekend. Before long, her growing network of friends in the music industry prompted her to try her hand behind the turntables, which led to her very first concert at Soho club Cirque Le Soir.

"Honestly, I don't remember the crowds or their reactions, because I spent my head all night in the blender, too scared to watch anywhere," she recalls. A few years later, she became the first Korean female DJ to play at the famous Berlin techno club Berghain.

Even with five EPs and concerts at world festivals like Coachella and Glastonbury to his credit, Gou still feels nervous before each show. "For me, my career is like a sport, and playing sports should not be comfortable," she says. "You have to push yourself to the point of being uncomfortable to feel like you've done a good workout." So I think it's good that I always get the butterflies, or it means that I don't care anymore and have to find something else that gives me butterflies. "

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Miu Miu check coat, Kirin striped jacket and pants, white Jimmy Choo boots (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)
Miu Miu check coat, Kirin striped jacket and pants, white Jimmy Choo boots (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)

Inimitable style

When NGG came knocking, prophesying that they "had seen Virgile in (her)," she said, the idea of ​​creating her own fashion brand made her just as nauseous, which was reason enough for her to try. In their first discussions, Gou said that she just wanted to create clothes that she would wear. At the same time, she found it difficult to describe her own style – until she discovered that her signature look had become so recognizable among clubbers and social media enthusiasts that some of them between them wore Peggy Gou costumes on Halloween.

"A lot of people that year wore a tropical shirt, sunglasses and a stuffed giraffe," she says. So, by popular demand, she imagined Cuban silk shirts with haetae prints, a mythical Korean creature resembling a tiger, smiling faces of acid house music and two-piece pajama or denim sets like those which she preferred for festivals.

Louis Vuitton printed double-breasted coat and boots (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)
Louis Vuitton printed double-breasted coat and boots (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)

To celebrate the underexposed parts of his culture, Gou decided to use Asian silk fabrics for some of his logo-printed sets, as well as traditional Korean patterns. And she started singing in Korean on her songs, inventing her own genre, "K-House". Her first video, for Starry Night, directed by her partner, Jonas Lindstroem, depicts various Korean communities – from taekwondo disciples to ladies in hanbok – all bursting into modern dance.

"I was afraid that people might not like it at first, but I still believe you don't know it before trying," she said. "And now it's become my signature. I see so many Asian artists trying to copy what Europeans are doing, but there are so many beautiful things about Korea that I want people to watch, think about and enjoy. "

Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong
Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong

Some I do not know what

Like many people that their contemporaries deem "cool", there is something decidedly not calculated with each movement of Gou. She, like Abloh, is able to seamlessly direct her fan base – the "Goucci Gang" – of over a million (she has 1.4 million followers on Instagram and that counts) to all initiatives which she will then choose.

“I never think of forging a style or an aesthetic; it's just my taste, which I like, ”she said, shrugging. “I know what I'm good at and what I'm not. If I know I can't kill him, I will continue. "

It's already turned out to be an eventful year, with Gou building a recording studio in her newly purchased house in Berlin, where she will be producing a new album, before starring Coachella in April. A second drop for Kirin is in preparation and she has also just signed with her dream label, XL Recordings, which represents the tastes of Adele and Radiohead. All of this, it should be noted, happened without a manager ("You probably already know that about me, but I don't like being told what to do," she says. ).

Sacai shirt dress,
Tiffany & Co necklace (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)
Sacai shirt dress,
Tiffany & Co necklace (Photo: Tak Sugita for Tatler Hong Kong)

But first, she canceled the next shows in Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand in January to take three weeks off in Phuket.

"I'm still trying to learn to meditate," she says. Even her boyfriend deplores his inability to sit still. "I always think about tomorrow or next week. But I learned that I have to go out to creatively create space. "

As she is summoned by the photographer and our conversation comes to an end, I tell her that there is a rumor that she has launched her own line of Kirin skin care or household items , to which she radiates and responds timidly: “Why not? I'm always looking for improvements. "It shows a humble vacuum cleaner leaning in the corner." I think I can make a better vacuum cleaner than that. "

Peggy Gou: DJ, fashion designer and innovator of the void? Why not? The labels are overvalued.

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