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Cheat Code Girlfriend Gift Ideas


girlfriend gift ideas

Girlfriend gifts

Have you ever gone shopping for your daughter and got lost in the mall looking at everything, not knowing where to start or where to go? Let's face it – shopping for women is a tricky business.

It's so hard to generalize what a woman may want even if you know your partner very well.

Sure, you could get points for trying, but if you're really spoiling an anniversary or birthday present, you could delay a week or two.

You may have thought so, but if you bought her a size seven yellow dress and she has told you time and time again that she hates this color, then you might have a lot of explanations. to do when you get home.

Now imagine that it really is a size five. See where it was going?

Relax. Were here to help you minimize the fallout from buying a simple gift for your loved one. It doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to be big.

It just needs to be thought through. It's easier said than done, but we got the cheat codes to offer gifts.

girlfriend gifts revealed
Shared gifts are the best

Something she can share

Imagine that it is a gift for her that she can share with someone else. I know it sounds crazy, but it's a slam dunk for long-term relationships and weddings. If you spend most of your time with your partner, it could be a refreshing change of pace for her to do something nice with someone else.

Does she have a sister or girlfriend in whom she hasn't spent quality time forever? Then offer your boo a spa day package for both of you.

Let your wife take her best friend for a day of pampering and gossip and you take the tab. Shell comes back to you invigorated, rejuvenated and even made a little dashing.

The way to go here is with gift cards. For example, look at these gift cards from Mandarin Oriental Spa In Miami. You can create a personalized gift card for your loved one and load it with enough credit for a day trip to the spa and a meal in their Michelin-starred restaurant.

This gift idea can be expensive, but it has an almost guaranteed satisfaction rate. In addition, it comes off your hair for the day. Now turn on the Xbox and order a pizza.

Something to read

Something she can read

You can score big points with your wife by giving her books to read. Prove that you are not a Neanderthal by nourishing his mind as well as his body.

Books are a great alternative to scrolling through social media feeds and reading a book can also help you relax.

Jane Smiley wrote Many people, me among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.

You have a lot of options for reading material these days. You can choose a printed book or electronic books. Unlike the day at the spa, you should avoid buying gift cards for books.

Your daughter could procrastinate and avoid spending time buying the right book. People just don't go to bookstores like they used to.

A better alternative is to offer the woman in your life a Kindle Oasis reader (see Amazon). It's like the feeling of holding a printed book, but it's so much more versatile.

Alternatively, you can opt for the Kindle Cloud Reader. You can use it on your smartphone or tablet and open it directly from your browser.

Another great gift idea is called Kindle Unlimited. For less than you might think, she can read an unlimited number of books on her eReader. The first month is free and it's super easy to create an account.

Get it started with a best seller like Robyn Carr's The House on Olive Street and watch her love for reading grow with your relationship (see Amazon).

Let her choose
Let her choose a gift

Something she can choose for you

You'd be surprised how much time your wife spends browsing online men's fashion catalogs to look at sweaters and pants that she knows you will never wear.

a girl can dream, can't she? But you can make her dreams come true by letting your hair style.

She knows you hate tight denim pants and short-sleeved collared shirts that button up to the neck, but she'd love to see you rock this style for a change. Just like men like variety, women love a curve from time to time.

Related: How Men Can Build Their Fashion Style

If you want a gift for your loved one, that's for sure, then let her take you shopping. She chooses the style from head to toe and you are not allowed to complain.

Everything is going here. She can choose what she wants, and you have to agree to wear it in public.

Some guys might have problems with this one. Some guys can feel uncomfortable wearing certain types of clothes or swinging a hairstyle that is not their norm. But you have to return this. Change your perspective.

You get valuable insight into what your wife likes, and you will get bonus points if you show confidence in her new, optimized version of you.

If you don't see the value of this, then at least you buy yourself a new outfit.

You can make the gift

Something you did

I hope your daughter chose you because she likes what you do and who you are. You know your personality. Most women who take their partner seriously really appreciate the fact that they are passionate about something.

So if you create something for the woman in your life that comes from your passion, you remind her why she connected with you in the first place.

Sometimes this type of gift is called the thoughtful gift, but it goes further than that. It is the gift of passion. You harness your talent or special ability and focus that energy on your lover.

It is the greatest gift you can give for new or emerging romances.

Related: When is it okay to say that I love you?

If you like to play the guitar, write a song for him. If you are good at wood carving, make him a small sculpture. If you like making short films, make one about it. She will not care about the aesthetics or the appearance or the sounds.

It comes from you and you have used your passion to recognize and honor it. Shell cherishes everything you have done for a long time and you will certainly have the key to its heart.

Do you want to be creative but need ideas? Check out this video.

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Something that grows

If you plan to give flowers (roses), try a potted plant instead. There are many advantages to owning plants. Having plants in your home helps improve your mood, flush toxins from the air, and can even boost your immune system.

Plants gain flowers because they last much longer. Buying plants sends a message to your loved one that you are thinking about the long game.

You are not looking for a cheap and easy bouquet of roses to excite your senses. You want to grow the plants together and watch them grow over time. (Guys, this is a metaphor for your relationship).

Here are some considerations when buying plants for your daughter. Does she have a green thumb? Some plants, like orchids, require very high maintenance.

They need the right amount of sun and water or they will wilt and die. Other plants like succulents are plentiful and hardy. They rarely require attention.

Make sure you choose the right plants for your wife. Some plants are meant to be kept outside while others need more shade indoors. When shopping for plants, be sure to ask for maintenance tips and it might be worth buying food, soil and accessories.

to summarize

Cheat code activated. These gift ideas will certainly appeal to your special ladys affections. You may have noticed that there are some obvious gift ideas missing from this guide. We have not included dinner dates, vacation trips and jewelry.

Women love these things, but if your heart is not there, you will not make lasting memories or gain any significant benefit from your relationship. You can book an expensive cruise, but if you are fighting all the time, it was just a waste of money.

These gift ideas will work. They keep you well away from problem areas like dress sizes and inconsistent preferences for appetizers. Instead, you get thoughtful and enduring gift ideas that will melt your wife.

So keep this guide handy when giving gifts in your relationship. And do not hesitate to share it with your friends.

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