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“House of Gucci” tells tales of quarrels behind fashion


Bold, beautiful to look at and bursting with star power, “House of Gucci” brings to the big screen the remarkable story of the feuding family behind the Italian fashion label.

Starring Lady Gaga as the ambitious outsider who married into the family only to see her spouse killed, the film which opens next week tells a tale of decadence, betrayal and revenge.

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Gaga, whose parents are both of Italian descent, plays Patrizia Reggiani, who marries fashion dynasty heir Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver) but ends up commissioning a successful job on her husband after he has divorced from her for another woman. Reggiani served 18 years in prison in Italy for the 1995 crime.

Jeremy Irons, who plays Patriarch Rodolfo Gucci, said the story was compelling.

“It’s a great line. It’s bold, cheeky and blingy, Italian,” he said. “And then one of them is going to shoot the other. How is it? … It’s an amazing story.”

Directed by Ridley Scott and also starring Al Pacino, Jared Leto and Salma Hayek, the film traces the rise and fall of the Gucci brand from the heady days of Italian dolce vita in the 1960s to its near-existence. disappeared in the 1990s.

Gaga, in her second outing as a lead actress, promoted the film with jaw-dropping red carpet appearances in Gucci dresses and is widely favored for another Oscar nomination next year.

Driver said the film is about power traps.

“Gucci, it’s like that cake you got a little bit of, and then you want it all. How can someone like that be seduced by what he knows is bad for him?” said Driver. “The elegance of this world and its theatrics were truly unique.”

The Gucci label is no longer linked to the Gucci family but has provided the filmmakers with a “selection of original items and accessories” from its archives, the company said in a statement. He also sanctioned the filming of a scene in his flagship store in Rome. Members of the Gucci family were not involved in the making of the film.

Jared Leto, unrecognizable as a flamboyant but misunderstood designer Paolo Gucci, has said he has done everything for his role.

“I told him (Ridley Scott) ‘I’m going to go crazy here’ and he’s going ‘great’, and he just took off the handcuffs and let us do what we thought was best.

“It was a blast. It was a dream come true,” Leto said.

Read also : Gucci dresses Generation Z in the virtual gaming world




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