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Little Mix’s Jade Thirlwall Impresses In Gorgeous Black Dress As She Parties At Gay Times Awards


Jade Thirlwall stunned in a black dress as she attended the Gay Times Honors 2021 event at Magazine London on Saturday night

Jade Thirlwall at the Gay Times Awards
Jade Thirlwall at the Gay Times Awards (

Image: Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images f)

Little Mix’s Jade Thirlwall looked stunning in a bodycon black mini dress as she partied at the Gay Times Awards on Saturday night.

The 28-year-old pop star showcased her incredible figure as she dressed to impress at the Gay Times Honors 2021 event at Magazine London.

The revealing number donned a plunging neckline as she complemented the outfit with a pair of sheer tights and black heels. She also wore a cute and simplistic heart-shaped pendant necklace.

She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and wore natural styled makeup as she posed for the cameras.

The star received the Gay Times Honor for Allyship award at the party for her work and her ally in the LGBTQ + community.

The Girl from the North has always been a strong ally for the LGBTQ + community, attending marches, pride events and using her platform to speak out against injustice and raise awareness.

Jade Thirlwall attended the Gay Times Honors 2021


Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images f)

The singer received the Gay Times Honor for Allyship award


Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images f)

She recently spoke to Gay time about his “difficult experience” since Jesy Nelson’s sensational departure from Little Mix and revealed that the remaining member of the group had sought therapy after the news broke.

She said: “I think for everyone, when such a big change happens in your life and you’ve been used to a certain situation for so long, it’s really hard.

“Solve that and move on. I think for us too, we were still promoting the album back then and doing TV shows.

“We were cracking up so to speak, and I think we were a little in shock for a long time because we just had to keep going.

“It wasn’t until we had some free time over Christmas that we suddenly realized what had happened.”

She confessed that this is when the group members found the news “difficult” and spoke to their own therapists.

“We are really stronger than ever,” she continued. “I would say this year, with the girls having their kids, it just puts what’s important in life into perspective.”

Jade said the remaining girls knew they would support each other “through anything”.

Jade spoke about transphobia in the UK


Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images f)

Elsewhere in the candid piece, the singer spoke about transphobia in the UK and admitted that the level of transphobia around the world is currently “alarming”.

She confessed to receiving an avalanche of abuse on social media, but admitted it was an honor to appear in the post’s honor number.

“It’s an honor to be part of the honor number,” she wrote on Instagram.

“The alliance is fundamental, essential and everlasting. To fight forever with the LGBTQ + community.”

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