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The real Paolo Gucci sued his family and tried to start his own fashion label


Running a family business always comes with complications, but the Guccis have taken the concept of family drama to the next level. Dynastys’ story returns to the headlines thanks to Gucci House, a new film that chronicles the betrayal, deception and murder that occurred at Gucci, the famous Italian fashion house.

The film follows the tumultuous relationship between Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga) and Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver). After a honeymoon phase, their marriage begins to dissolve alongside the family business. Several family members are fighting for control of the brand, including Paolo Gucci (Jared Leto), who is portrayed as a particularly exuberant character. Below is an overview of what you need to know about Paolo Gucci and his role in the business.

Who was Paolo Gucci?

Paolo is the grandson of Guccio Gucci, the man who founded Gucci in 1906 and one of the Gucci family members who worked in the family business. At one point, Paolo was tasked with leading Gucci’s US operation, but it didn’t last long. Ultimately, along with the rest of the family, Paolo was forced to sell his stake in the business.

Paolo was not as involved in the business as his father, Aldo Gucci, his uncle, Rodolfo Gucci, and his cousin, Maurizio Gucci, but he worked as Gucci’s chief designer in the early 1960s. claimed he had designed 80% of the items in the Gucci catalog, according to his 1995 obituary in The New York Times.

Where did things go wrong?

Paolo Gucci has been fired twice from the family business. The first time was by his uncle, Rodolfo, and the second by his father, Aldo.

When Aldo brought the family business to the United States, Paolo was appointed vice president and general manager of Gucci Shops Inc. and Gucci Parfums of America. The American adventure did not go well. A year later, Rodolfo fired him from parent company Gucci, alleging that he did not perform his duties while he was in charge of the factory in Florence and that he had generally failed in his work.

After this dismissal, Paolo decided to launch a fashion brand under his own name, and also filed a complaint against Gucci to seek redress from the company. In response, according to the Associated press, Aldo fired Paolo from his post at Gucci’s US branch.

From that moment on, Paolo and the family were in almost permanent conflict. After a 1982 board meeting went sour, Paolo even filed an assault complaint against his brothers, Roberto and Giorgio, and his cousin Maurizio.

What was the deal with the Paolos fashion line?

After being ousted from Gucci, Paolo tried to sue his family for the right to use his own name to found his own fashion line. He spent millions suing his family business for breach of contract, according to WWD.

He had big plans for the brand and dreamed of designing lamps, sunglasses, furniture, sleepwear, bedding accessories and fabrics, wall coverings, women’s underwear, lingerie, clothes. plates and cutlery, according to Fashion law. Unfortunately, he was never able to launch the Paolo Gucci brand. Shortly after obtaining the right to use his name for his line, he left the fashion world. In 1980 he stopped working with the family business altogether, and in 1987 he sold all of his remaining shares in the Gucci company for $ 45 million. In 1993, he declared bankruptcy, claiming he had debts of around $ 90 million.

What happened with his many trials?

Apart from the $ 8 million he spent fighting for the right to use his own name for its new brand, Paolo filed a complaint of emotional distress, assault and battery (the latter concerned the volatile board meeting mentioned above).

Seeking revenge, Paolo filed a $ 13 million lawsuit against his uncle, cousin and father. As if that wasn’t enough, Paolo also volunteered to help US officials in their tax evasion case against his father. He voluntarily handed over sensitive information involving Aldo and ultimately led to his father’s arrest in 1986.

It should also come as no surprise that Paolos’ ex-wife Jenny Garwood sued him for failing to pay child support. She claimed he owed $ 505,600. He spent five weeks in prison in New York City for failing to repay alimony and child support.

How did he die?

Paolo Gucci died of heart and kidney failure at the age of 64. He died in 1995 just a few months after the murder of his cousin, Maurizio Gucci.




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