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Nicholas Daley: You don’t have to buy new


For Christmas this year, I’ll be heading home, where I grew up in Leicester, to meet up with family, relax and listen to some music: we have this album of really bad reggae covers of Christmas carols. Normally Christmas time is cut a bit short for me by Menswear Week in January, but now it’s moved and merged with Womenswear, so I’m hoping to have a day or two more with my family. Last Christmas was difficult with changed plans or the inability to meet.

My mom and dad have a vegetable patch and grew lots of vegetables, so last year we had mom and dad’s parsnips, potatoes and Brussels sprouts. My mum being from Dundee, Scotland she makes a lot of jams and chutneys and my sister and I get involved as she tries to pass the tradition on.

Our take on traditional Christmas dinner has influences from both sides of the family, as my dad is from Jamaica. My mom can make jerk lamb with Caribbean spices, my dad can make rice and peas, or maybe turkey, with a veggie stuffing – I’m a vegetarian. There is always a bit of Scottish shortbread moving.

If I want to feel a little festive and in touch with my Celtic roots, I could wear my Lochcarron of Scotland kilt pipe. They protrude from the calf, much like football socks. I wear them normally with my pants because I keep the kilt for my wedding day in August. But it’s not something that I go out regularly, it’s nostalgia.

Nicholas Daley, photographed in London by Lydia Goldblatt

“For me it is important to support other businesses that are black owned or started by people from minorities” © Lydia Goldblatt

We try to keep a limit on giveaways, and I always love giving giveaways. I made bespoke tartan dresses and jackets for my mom from scraps of fabric, my dad always gets something from the range. I also like a gift for a function, something classic like a nice leather-bound notebook, or for a specific sport or hobby. The personal touch is important. I created a montage of photos of my sister and I when we were kids and put it in a nice frame. You also don’t have to buy again, you can add a DIY touch.

For second-hand finds, the Portobello market is great, but going there on a Friday, Saturday can be very busy. You can buy British military parka, sheepskin, vintage t-shirt. JoJo’s General Store is a good vintage dealer, based in Sheffield, I bought things there for myself and I love supporting a vintage dealer in the North.

When it comes to shopping, I usually go to Soho for records at Rough Trade, Sounds of the Universe, and Phonica, and the Japan Center near Leicester Square has a great selection of Japanese teas and snacks – the matcha bread is my favorite. .

I also love New Beacon Books in Stroud Green, specializing in African and Caribbean literature since 1966. It has one of the richest selections of books exploring the black diaspora, from cultural theorist Stuart Hall to Ghanaian photographer James Barnor.

For me, it is important to support other businesses that are black owned or started by people from minorities. We are currently working with a brand of incense called Cremate, launched by Junior Adesanya who did an internship with me. It creates amazing notes in room sprays and incense. I work with incense and music in the studio, so having the right environment is important.


Gifts for comfort and reflection

Gaurab Thakali
‘Cloudy’, £ 120,

Nicholas Daley x Lavenham
Sashiko jacket, £ 725,

Nicolas daley
Forgotten Fury Scarf, £ 40,

Bacilli box, £ 120,

Range of incense, Middle Way box, £ 20,

Fortnum & Mason
Traditional Dundee Cake, £ 19,

Cereus and cactus candle combo, £ 30,

The small coffee business
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, £ 25,

under the sun
SUB002 sunglasses, £ 120,

Benjamin Zephaniah
“The life and rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah”, £ 10,

Gilles Peterson
“Lockdown FM: broadcast in the event of a pandemic”, £ 40,

Nicolas daley launched his eponymous label in 2015. Of Scottish and Jamaican origin, he explores the idea of ​​multiculturalism within the British identity. He works with international artisans to create bespoke textiles and fabrics for each collection, such as the durable wax Japanese pattern in his Spring / Summer 2020 Blue Quilt collection.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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