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BoF honors Virgil Abloh with the Global VOICES award


In October, BoF founder and CEO Imran Amed wrote to Virgil Abloh to present the designer with the Global VOICES Award.

Each year, the award honors a member of The fashion business community that has used its position in fashion to influence the world.

Abloh, a designer who broke boundaries to become one of fashion’s most influential designers, was more than qualified. The award was intended to recognize the tireless work of designers to champion talent, raise marginalized voices and create new avenues to fashion, Amed wrote in her letter.

But this week, Abloh was due to be in Miami for the opening of a new large menswear store and a fashion show for Louis Vuitton, where he was the men’s artistic director. Organizing the award proved to be nearly impossible, so the plan was to not give out any awards this year and honor Abloh in 2022.

Last week, the creator passed away after a private battle with cancer. And on the last night of VOICES 2021, BoF presented Abloh with the Global VOICES Award posthumously, as well as a donation to his Post-Modern Scholarship Fund, which offers scholarships to promising students of black or African descent. having ambitions in fashion.

Someone told me that in the Ghanaian tradition, we celebrate life, Amed said at a gala dinner to mark the closing of VOICES 2021. So tonight we were celebrating Virgil, even if he didn’t. is not here with us.

The event marked the close of the BoF’s annual Gathering for Big Thinkers, which brings together industry leaders, activists and experts from around the world for a program full of thought-provoking discussion and discussion. This year, VOICES took place against the backdrop of global crises, from Covid-19 to the climate emergency, but the sessions were upbeat and forward-looking, examining everything from metaverse to fashionable mushroom-based leather. genderless. Speakers included designers such as Dame Vivienne Westwood, Christian Louboutin and Tommy Hilfiger, as well as biologist Merlin Sheldrake and author Jay Shetty.

The discussion continued into the evening as guests including Jordan Dunn, David Gandy, Harris Reed and Sonam Kapoor sat down for a dinner by Chef Jackson Boxer before a performance by singer Ama Lou.

David Koma, Neelam Gill and Jourdan Dunn attend the BoF VOICES 2021 Gala Dinner at Soho Farmhouse.
OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 03: (LR) Stavros Karelis, Tiffany Hsu, Susanna Lau and Han Chong attend the BoF VOICES 2021 Gala Dinner at Soho Farmhouse on December 03, 2021 in Oxfordshire, England.  (Photo by John Phillips / Getty Images for BoF VOICES)
Rene Celestin, Stefano Martinetto, Frederic Court, Nicolas Santi-Weil and Caroline Rush attend the BoF VOICES 2021 gala dinner.
Eric Underwood, Vanessa Kingori and Wayne McGregor attend BoF VOICES 2021 Gala Dinner.
Tim Blanks, Giles Deacon and Jeff Lounds attend the BoF VOICES 2021 Gala Dinner at Soho Farmhouse.

VOICES 2021 is made possible in part thanks to our partners McKinsey & Company, Shopify, Clearco, Klarna, Brandlive, Flannels, Break, Getty Images, Soho House and The Invisible Collection.




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