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90s fashion trends are back and better than ever – the daily utah chronicle


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Artem Beliaikin

(90s styles are making a comeback | Courtesy Pexels)

The annual return of warm weather and sunnier days has once again forced everyone to rummage through their closets, finding inspiration for new outfits among their favorite swimsuits, shorts and t-shirts. But millennials may not need to look further than their parents’ outfits from their heyday to find inspiration this summer.

That’s right, the fashion trends of the 90s have made a comeback and are here to stay throughout the summer. Why would we want to go back to the styles that older generations remember with disgust, one might ask? Shawn Carter, professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, said, Fashion evolves and always refers to the past. It’s because it was nostalgic.

As for the reasons why the 90s fashion trends have returned, it is because of the iconic grunge style that has dominated the decade. Robin Givhan, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Explain, Grunge was comfortably imperfect. It looked worn and battered, but it looked luxurious. The grunge of the 90s gives a casual outfit a chic and effortless look. Not to mention, the loose clothing of this decade is a nice break from the skinny jeans that are simply old news.

The grunge look aspirations of days gone by can be met by entering almost any clothing store. The coat racks are filled with satin evening dresses of all colors under the sun, aged mom jeans and matching tracksuits. Accessories such as bucket hats, choker necklaces and bum bags are a few other must-haves that complete the look.

As for shoes, sneakers dominate the market. Whether it’s a clumsy dad’s tennis shoe or a more courageous platform shoe, sports shoes have appeared in most youth wardrobes. Combat boots, like Dr. Martens, have also made their way into fashion, lining almost all shoe shelves.

Popular brands that debuted in the 90s have also returned. Brands in the athletic sector, such as Champion, have found their place in the closets of the younger generations. CNBC reportedDuring the last quarter, the label owned by HanesBrand posted global sales growth of 75%, after taking into account currency fluctuations. Champion can surely thank this second wave of fashion in the 90s for the increase in sales.

Calvin Klein and Fila are other trendy brands that come back in style by recreating some of their famous 90s commercials. However, the beloved models that originally bore these brand names have been replaced by faces younger. We didn’t have Kate Moss and Mark Wahlberg in their Calvin Klein underwear, but we did get Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber (and Lara Stone) recreating these iconic commercials, Givhan wrote.

There are many sources that can inspire the summer styles of our young people. Whether it’s the iconic outfits from the movie “Clueless” or the daring looks of the runway, millennials and Generation Z don’t need to look too hard for all fashion ideas. A lot of fun can be had by mixing and matching the bold styles of this rebellious decade. Just take a cheetah print bucket hat, put a darling on your wrist, cut your mom’s old jeans and you’re ready to make a statement this summer.

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