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These 2022 Prom Trends Are Doing the Absolute Most


2022 prom dress trends


Normally, shopping for a prom dress is stressful and confusing and painfully expensive, but the past year was packed with enough celebrity fashion moments to make the task easier than it ever was before. 2022’s prom trends are all ripped straight out of pop culture. We’re seeing extra sparkle, lingerie inspo, unexpected cut-outs, and endless y2k inspiration across the prom industry—basically, the type of trends worn by Kylie Jenner, Dua Lipa, Olivia Rodrigo, or the teens of Euphoria on, like, a regular Thursday.

Keep reading for all the most hype trends that will make you feel like the main character of prom night ’22.

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Rhinestone Straps

Twice the Fun Black Satin Rhinestone Two-Piece Mini Dress

Trends change with the year, but you can guarantee a bit of sparkle on prom night. Minimal shine is the vibe this year, with rhinestone-studded spaghetti straps dominating the formalwear scene.

Butterfly Patterns

Butterfly Cutout Dress

Celebs like Kylie Jenner and Dua Lipa have been wearing this early-2000s favorite for months. As a result, you can now shop glitzy evening wear covered in the print. Shop this look if you’re hoping for a totally unique prom fit.

Combat Boots

One Shoulder Cowl Neck Satin Maxi Dress


Betsy Sweetheart Sequin Corset A-Line Formal Dress

You’re going to see this style all over the dance floor at prom ’22. Designers are taking major inspiration from undergarment staples, adding bustier bodices, lacey details, and sheer paneling to elevate traditional gowns.


Super Ruched Velvet Fallen Shoulder Mini Dress

Though most trends on this list are straight from the year 2001, the ’80s themes are coming through strong. Luxe velvet, low-low necklines, and volumized sleeves are all trends you’ll notice in your prom dress selections.

Unexpected Cut-Outs

One Shoulder Velvet Cut-Out Dress

When shopping for prom just ask yourself this: would a character on Euphoria wear this to a 1:30 chem lab? If the answer is yes, it’s probably a safe bet for prom. Wild cut-outs give that exact energy—just add cool shoes and a little extra body glitter (another Euphoria favourite).

y2k Vibes

Daisy Street x Bratz Corset Back Mini Dress

This mini is giving Maddy in Euphoria season 1 vibes, amiright?! Throw your prom look all the way back with a 2000s-era all-denim look.

Dual Straps

UO Pretty Please Cutout Mini Dress

Cleavage-framing straps are popping up allll over the prom scene—a perfect choice for anyone looking to serve a little sass. The minimalist detail makes even the most low-key slip dress feel 100% prom appropriate.

Statement Gloves

Jourdan Off The Shoulder Mini Dress

Tell your date to skip the old-school wrist corsage, because you’ve got a look planned. Long, elegant gloves make even the chillest mini dress look super dressy.

Feathered T-shirts for prom weren’t on my 2022 bingo card, but I’m not mad about it. The whimsical design detail can feel vintage-glam just as easily as it can look edgy-cool. The choice is yours.

Senior Style Editor
Kelsey is’s fashion expert and resident Harry Potter nerd.

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