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Prosecutors Request Trial For Kardashian Jewel Suspects


PARIS (AFP) Almost four years after reality star Kim Kardashian was tied up with gun threats in Paris and robbed of a small fortune in precious stones, a trial for 12 suspects appeared a little closer Thursday after prosecutors asked that the case be brought to court.

During a visit to the French capital for Fashion Week in October 2016, five men stormed the rented luxury residence of Kardashian, held it under threat of a gun, gagged it and tied her up in a bathroom.

“Old Omar” and “Shredded Nose”

Twelve suspects in the case are at large but under state control.

On Wednesday evening, a judicial source told AFP that prosecutors had asked for a trial in this case, with charges of armed robbery, kidnapping and criminal conspiracy against the five men accused of having carried out the burglary.

These include the alleged brain, Aomar Ait Khedache, known as “Old Omar”, arrested after his DNA was found at the crime scene, allowing the police to find his alleged accomplices one by one.

Charges against the others include helping to plan theft, illegal possession of weapons, and providing information about the target.

The son of “Old Omar” is accused of driving the thieves’ car, while the suspect Marceau Baum-Gartner nicknamed “Shredded Nose” is suspected of having acted as an intermediary.

He would have made eight trips in two months to the jewelry capital of Antwerp, Belgium, after the flight.

Investigating magistrates must now decide whether the case can be tried. If so, it is unlikely to open before 2021.

Many of the accused are between 60 and 70 years old and are well known to the police. Several of them have been convicted of crimes such as robbery and drug trafficking.

Khedache acknowledged his involvement in the Kardashian burglary and told investigators that he had difficulty finding a buyer for his ring because it was “too recognizable.

He said he gave the jewelry, a gift from her husband that Kardashian had posted on Instagram, to a third party, whom he did not identify.

Khedache told investigators that the other jewelry had been taken apart and that the gold had melted into bars.

“There must have been about 800 grams, worth 25,000 or 28,000 euros,” he said in testimony revealed by the newspaper Le Monde in 2017.

France Media Agency
by Benjamin LEGENDRE

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