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Livingston resident collects prom dresses for teens in need and seeks volunteers for distribution


NEWARK, NJ – For three years, Livingston resident Michelle Lemieux has been collecting prom dresses for Catherine’s Closet, Inc. for the benefit of hundreds of local teens who cannot afford to buy them new.

This year, the campaign is underway for the organization's annual distribution days, which are scheduled for April 11 and May 9 at 550 Broad Street in Newark. In addition to collecting donations of dresses until April 1, Lemieux is also looking for volunteers to help sort the dresses on Saturday, April 4 and to help on shopping days.

"Our community is always as generous and generous with these types of collections," said Lemieux. "We collected almost 250 dresses last year, (and) we also received far more shoes and accessories last year than any other year."

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Lemieux has already received nearly 200 dresses, including 100 new dresses donated by Park Avenue Bridals in Cedar Grove.

Known in the community of Livingston for her generous nature, Lemieux is also involved in several other non-profit organizations such as Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors (LNHN), where she sits as a member of the board of directors and helps CHOW pantry. She has also served as a disaster response volunteer for the American Red Cross and has previously donated bone marrow to a stranger.

The native of Livingston – who discovered Catherine's closet when a friend asked her if she knew of a place to donate fancy dresses – currently sits on the organization's advisory board and helps coordinate community outreach.

"It is a wonderful organization and I am really proud of the work we have done," she said.

Sandra Kessler founded Catherine & # 39; s Closet in memory of Catherine Johnson, a resident of East Orange, who was a class promotion major at Clifford Scott High School and aspired to become a doctor. When Johnson died in 2002 after the vehicle in which he was driving was struck by another car driven by a 14-year-old girl, Johnson was buried in the ball gown that she never had to wear.

At the time, Johnson’s mother was a Kessler client of Financial Services of New Jersey, which specializes in pension plans for employees of nonprofit organizations. While attending Johnson's wake, Kessler realized that she wanted to honor the young woman in a special way, and created a non-profit organization 501 © 3 that would collect and distribute dresses to teens and for adults in need of formal wear.

In addition to collecting approximately 17,000 dresses in the New York and New Jersey area since its creation, Catherine's Closet has also distributed approximately $ 55,000 in scholarships to students who volunteer for 15 hours or more and meet specific service conditions. Catherine's Closet.

"Although Catherine & # 39; s Closet focuses on the distribution of clothing, we are very proud of the scholarships we can offer to young girls who volunteer with us," said Lemieux.

The scholarships are supported by funds raised through the sale of dresses ($ 10), shoes ($ 5) and jewelry ($ 3) as well as monetary donations.

"Each year this event grows larger and larger, and we are very grateful for all the support from diverse communities and businesses across New Jersey," said Lemieux. "The volume and quality of the dresses that were donated this year blew us away."

According to Lemieux, some of the dresses offered each year have been made by great designers like Vera Wang, Jovani, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Armani, Jessica McClintock and others.

For $ 10 each, these dresses were sold to teens in Essex County as well as in Morristown, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Plainfield and beyond.

Johnson once wrote in an essay: "People will not know my name for fame, fortune or conceit, but they will know me because I have helped someone."

Despite his untimely death, Johnson’s dream of helping others came true thanks to Catherine’s Closet.

“Our organization consists in giving the girls the dress of their dreams for this special occasion; especially the prom, but many others are buying with us, "said Lemieux. “All girls and women are welcome. We find that some women come and need mother of the bride dresses and others need a dress for a class or family reunion. We are delighted to be able to offer them this opportunity that they would not have otherwise. "

Due to the large number of dresses she received in smaller sizes, Lemieux can currently only accept dresses of sizes 14 and above.

To organize a donation or to find out more about volunteering, contact Lemieux at [email protected] or visit

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