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Dasha Mart stages her long legs in a sexy little black dress in Miami


Dasha Mart took a wardrobe staple to the next level in her latest Instagram share and her fans love the look.

The Russian model took a series of photos of his day in the Miami Design District on Tuesday. It was seen standing outside by a large sculpture by architect Le Corbusier, which was created by French artist Xavier Veilhan. A sea of ​​tall palm trees could be seen in the background from the set of three snaps as the golden sun shone on Dasha as she hit her poses for the camera.

Dasha often flaunts her incredible figure in sleek outfits on her Instagram page, however, her latest download saw her wear something on the other side of the scale. She opted for a more modest look and instead wore a sexy little black dress that elicited an extremely positive response from her 1.8 million followers on the platform.

The Instagram sensation looked like a total smoke show in the essential closet of the Moscow brand Like Kate. The long-sleeved garment sported a low-cut neckline that left its bare neckline and a large amount of neckline clearly visible. It featured a flattering gathered design along the bottom half that hugged her figure in all the right ways, accentuating its flat midsection and its pert behind.

It is also worth noting the daringly short length of the garment. She just fell on the top of Dasha's thighs, leaving her long sculpted legs completely exposed. She took things to the next level by cradling a pair of trendy PVC sandals that further accentuated the display on long legs.

Dasha put a black Christian Dior satchel around her elbow and added a bit of bling to her look with a silver watch and dangling earrings. Her honey brown hair was straightened and worn to perfectly frame her face. The baby was also made up with a full face of makeup that included a pink lip, a blush brush, a shimmering highlighter and a thick layer of mascara that brought out his striking features and piercing blue eyes.

Unsurprisingly, the triple Instagram update was a major success with the horde of Dasha's followers on Instagram. The images have racked up more than 30,000 likes in their first 24 hours of uploading to the platform, as well as hundreds of comments with compliments for the latest stunning display of Stun.

"These legs !! Gorgeous," wrote one person.

Another fan said that Dasha was "perfection on earth".

"You are a goddess," said a third disciple.

“Magnificent as always, beautiful style, hairstyle, eyes. Excellent post, “sprang a fourth admirer.

While Dasha chose to cover her latest social media appearance a little more, she also proved that she was far from shy about showing off any skin. Another recent addition to her diet has seen her lounging outside in a skinny monokini that left little to the imagination. This look has also proven to be popular, earning more than 26,000 likes.

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