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Do not judge this Ruth Bader Ginsburg dress, and more STEAM fashion


If you yearn for clothes that represent your passions for science, technology, math, and more, get ready to fill your wardrobe. Svaha is all about STEAM fashion – which includes science, technology, engineering, art and math. They also focus on celebrating women in all areas. Yes, it is glorious and so necessary. Nerdist has the first exclusive glimpse of a few new Svaha models, including this spectacular Ruth Bader Ginsburg dress.

The bright pink Ruth Bader Ginsburg dress by Svaha

SvahaThe design features the recognizable face of the Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Appropriately, the dress incorporates an aesthetic from the early 90s, which has been the case since Ginsburg was sworn in in 1993. This dress is perfect for Women's History Month (we are still celebrating 20 days ) or for any day, any time.

Svaha was launched in 2015. Company founder Jaya Iyer wanted to find clothing for her space-obsessed daughter, Svaha. Iyer was dismayed when she couldn't find an astronaut shirt for her daughter, or for that matter clothing on the subject of science or technology. Iyer therefore took her knowledge of the clothing industry – she has a PhD in fashion merchandising and previously worked as a clothing buyer at Think geek—And started his own STEAM fashion business. In order to break gender stereotypes, Iyer offered a range of products on the theme of STEAM.
Svaha's rabbit multiplier children's dress illustrates STEAM fashion

SvahaIyer launched a Kickstarter to launch her STEAM fashion dreams, and she named her business in honor of her daughter. Their offers have resonated with consumers. Iyer said NerdistWe have been inundated with messages from Svaha customers who love being able to show their passion for the STEAM fields through their clothes and it is the best feeling there is! They also like having pockets to keep their keys and not having to shop in a plus size department. I am so happy to be able to make a difference and to change the perception of gender stereotypes even a little bit.

Svaha Scientific Cat Legging

SvahaThe main mission of the company focuses on empowering adults and children so that they are what they want to be. Therefore, do not dismiss it as "just fashion". The clothes we see on store shelves send a message just like the ads. For example, if a girl doesn't see what astronaut t-shirt she wants, except in the boys' clothing section, she may believe that girls shouldn't be astronauts. By bringing a plethora of STEAM fashion to the market, Svaha reinforces the message that anyone can be anything. After all, we need more companies that break gender norms.

With both elegant and stylish outfits, Svaha catches your eye. Two other new products to come (photo above and below), including a dress of Easter bunnies and leggings of scientific cats. Browse the Svaha website and browse the gallery below to see other STEAM fashion styles. You'll discover everything from the constellation dress to the design of a chemistry lab to a shirt honoring Katherine Johnson of Hidden figures. In addition, you can see a new style; it is a t-shirt in honor of Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, the first human to travel in space.

Featured Image: Svaha

Amy Ratcliffe is the editor of Nerdist and the author of Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy. Follow her onTwitter.

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