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Alexa Dellanos wears bomb curves in a sexy black corset dress


Wednesday night, Alexa Dellanos, the Internet vixen, gave something to excite the followers Wednesday evening, going on Instagram to present her perfect hourglass curves in a form-fitting outfit that left little to the imagination. The sizzling blonde poured her voluptuous figure into a tight-fitting black satin mini dress, showing off her tiny size and body frame as she posed seductive for the camera.

The gorgeous Instagram model wore a tight-fitting dress from online fashion retailer Oh Polly. The garment was a strapless design and was extremely low, with a revealing sweetheart neckline that exposed the massive neckline of the bomb. The micro-dress fitted her like a glove, and included a sexy corset bodice which accentuated both her shapely chest and her abdominal cut. The article continued with a dangerously short skirt that hemmed the top of the thigh and wrapped her hips in a comfortable, shiny embrace.

Alexa added a lot of bling to the eye-catching outfit with an entire collection of sparkling silver jewelry. She adorned her generous neckline with an elegant chain necklace and wore an assortment of brilliant rings on her fingers, including a large fanciful butterfly ring. The 24-year-old hottie also accessorized with an elegant black bandana cap from Louis Vuitton, which sported the famous brand logo in white and gave an avant-garde atmosphere to the sophisticated outfit.

The Instagram sensation caught the attention of fans with a whole new hairstyle, swapping her long golden locks for a trendy short bob. The dramatic change in look met with mixed reactions, prompting Alexa to reveal that she hadn't actually cut her hair and was actually wearing a wig.

"Oh my god thank you because your hair is (sic) beautiful like you (emoji in hand) I was really sad," wrote one fan.

Alexa's mother, on the other hand, seemed to be excited about the new look.

"LOVE LOVE your new bob!" Cuban-American journalist Myrka Dellanos commented, leaving a long chain of two-hearted emoji.

While the wig still retained the platinum blonde color of Alexa's hair, it also sported a chic ashy hue around the temples. The stunning paired the fashionable ensemble with a winged eyeliner and nude lip gloss. She completed her sexy-chic look with a chic white manicure, showing off her long flat nails as she posed with her fingers fanned across her chest.

The busty girl presented the tight dress in a pair of sensual snaps that saw her sitting in a shell weaving chair. The furniture was an off-white color that contrasted sharply with its all-black outfit, keeping the accent on its enviable physique. Alexa took an artistic pose for the first photo, which was a half-body shot that highlighted her strengths and round hips, and showed a tantalizing glimpse of her thigh. The model tilted her head to the side and seemed out of frame with an absorbed expression. She placed her hands on her cleavage, framing her ample cleavage with her palms and drawing the eye to her abundant chest.

A slide to the next slide showed the blonde raising her hands to her head as she cast an intense look at the camera. The photo was cropped closely to her generous bust and supple belly, and offered a detailed glimpse of her glamor.

The sultry download was very well received by its enthusiastic fans, garnering over 27,600 likes and nearly 220 comments in just a few hours of uploading. Among the people who spoke on Alexa's post were quite a few Instagram celebrities, including YouTube star Amanda Diaz, DASH dolls starlet Durrani Popal, and bikini and lingerie model Lyna Perez.

"Omfgggg I love hair," Lyna wrote, adding a heart emoji to accentuate it.

Durrani also seemed to be digging into the new look, moving to the comments section to leave heart-eye emoji.

Amanda also supported the change of style. "THIS LOOK", she writes in full, dragged by three star emoji.

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