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Best men’s t-shirts 2022: white t-shirts with long sleeves

Best men’s t-shirts 2022: white t-shirts with long sleeves


Just like a good friend, the best in your t-shirt collection should be used for comfort, support, and above all, style inspiration. As the ultimate foundational piece, a reliable stack of t-shirts should be the most dependable facet of your wardrobe. That’s not to say all t-shirts are created equal, however, and there are more than a few styles to choose from.

Here, to help you choose your way through the vast selection, we’ve outlined the key styles here that should be in every man’s t-shirt, from James Dean-approved plain white to graphic styles from Justin Bieber, Harry Styles. and co, as well as a handful of our editor’s go-tos.

white t shirts

A particularly dependable port of call, you can rarely go wrong with a classic white T-shirt and pants combo. A much-loved base layer on colder days, a chic stand-alone during the summer months, and a common, casual swap for dress shirts with a suit, there’s a reason the Plain White T’s have ruled the silhouette worthy of a group name.

black t shirts

Although the fear of wearing a black top can often be mistaken for a member of reception staff, the silhouetted look should not be underestimated. In fact, Christian Dior said it best when he said, you can wear black anytime. You can wear it at any age. You can wear it for almost any occasion, and we totally agree.

Carhartt WIP black t-shirt

Colorful T-shirts

A great way to inject dopamine into your wardrobe, a colorful t-shirt can go a long way. From pastel tones to vibrant head-turning hues, throwing on a brightly colored tee can upgrade your look in just a flash of cotton construction.

Polo Ralph Lauren purple t-shirt

Graphic Print Tees

Who says a wardrobe basic can’t make a statement? Certainly not those head-turning graphic tees. Printed with everything from ominous emojis to logo designs, adding a graphic tee lends some nostalgia to your everyday ensembles, so don’t be afraid to be garish.

Weekday graphic-print T-shirt

JW Anderson graphic print t-shirt

New Balance graphic-print T-shirt

Acne Studios graphic print T-shirt

Long-sleeved t-shirts

Long-sleeved t-shirts aren’t just about having a little more fabric around your forearms, you know. Bringing a streetwise vibe to summer cuts, the long-sleeve tee is more punchy than you might think and can cater to aesthetics ranging from skater-chic to classic and preppy.

Dickies Long Sleeve Tee

Sunspel Long Sleeve Tee

Asket Long Sleeve Tee

Our Legacy Long Sleeve Tee

Oversized T-shirts

Calling all nostalgics, the impact of an oversized t-shirt is significant both in terms of size and aesthetics. Taking inspiration from the extreme oversized silhouettes of the 90s, this specific t-shirt fit harkens back to the extravagant proportions worn by the biggest names in hip-hop culture. Fast forward to 22, and while you don’t need to know Ye West’s entire discography to don the figure, we’re not saying it wouldn’t help.

Uniqlo U oversized t-shirt

Pangaia oversized t-shirt

Off-white oversized t-shirt

Tee-shirts QG staff members buy this season

Finally, here’s an exclusive look at our editorial team’s favorite fundamental pieces for Summer 22, from simple embroidered tees to jacquard knits:


The Best White Tees to Nail the Ultimate Wardrobe Essential

The best black t-shirts to expand your collection of basics

29 must-have clothes for every man’s wardrobe




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