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Victoria Beckham’s past fashion choices were a sign of her insecurity


Victoria Beckham is best known as a member of the iconic group of the 90s, the Spice Girls.

Nowadays, Beckham no longer breaks it down on stage and prefers rather to work her talents behind the scenes as a fashion designer and businesswoman.

However, for his fans, Beckham will always be “Posh Spice”. One of her iconic outfits involved short, tight dresses, usually of the LBD variety, and, as Beckham recently revealed, there is a sad story behind many of her tight and outrageous looks.

Who is Victoria Beckham?

Victoria Beckham on the red carpet
Victoria Beckham | KARIM JAAFAR / AFP via Getty Images

Victoria Beckham was born in England in 1974. She was raised in a working family, the daughter of a wholesale e-commerce owner.

When she was a teenager, Beckham decided to pursue a career in music and completed her studies by studying dance and modeling. One of Beckham’s first musical endeavors was to join a group called Persuasion. However, her time in the group was short lived, as in the early 90s she officially joined the Spice Girls group.

The band’s first single, “Wannabe”, became a huge success, and the Spice Girls became world famous.

In the years that followed, Beckham and his group mates toured the world, earning legions of dedicated fans. Despite their massive popularity, the Spice Girls eventually dissolved in 2001, with Beckham continuing to explore his talents as a solo musician.

Although the group has met for several times, Beckham has gone beyond the world of touring and performing on stage and spends most of his time working in business and raising his family.

The fashion empire of Victoria Beckham

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Victoria Beckham has made headlines several times due to her high profile relationship with famous footballer David Beckham. The two men started dating in 1997 and in 1998 they were the favorite media couple.

In the summer of 1999, David and Victoria Beckham got married, and have been together ever since. Over the years, they have welcomed four children, including three sons and a daughter.

In recent years Beckham has become an icon and a fashion designer. She launched her own fashion brand in 2008 and has appeared as a guest judge on many popular style television shows, including Project track and The next German top model.

In addition, Beckham has worked on various skin care and beauty projects and has written several books. Overall, she is one of England’s biggest success stories, a star who has managed to transcend her pop roots to become a highly respected businesswoman.

Why did Victoria Beckham wear such tight dresses?

During her days with the Spice Girls and in the years that followed, Beckham often made the headlines for her outfits. She was most often seen in tight, revealing dresses, many with corset-style tops.

Although she always caused a sensation when seen in such outfits, it turns out that Beckham was terribly unsure of her appearance, and that was the reason for these eye-catching sets.

In a recent interview with American magazine, Beckham admitted, “It was a sign of insecurity that I would always wear tight, tight fitting clothes. My confidence has definitely grown with age. ”

Beckham also said, “I used to wear a lot of structured dresses with corsetry and I still have some of these dresses, but my personal style has become more relaxed.”

Even though Beckham’s clothes aren’t as revealing as they used to be, the star is still just as gorgeous on the red carpet, proving that the inherent style never really goes away.

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