Tamela Mann amazes fans posing in tight blue long dress in new photo after 50 pound weight loss
Singer and actress Tamela Mann goes to Instagram to deliver exciting news to her fans by sharing a great photo of herself in a figure-hugging blue number.
Singer Tamela Mann and her husband David Mann went to Instagram to share exciting news about her upcoming music project with her fans. In a post of two slides, Tamela and her husband revealed that she accidentally released the poster for her new musical revelation andsubtitle:
“Tam did it! Swipe.”
![Tamela Mann attends the 33rd Stellar Gospel Music Awards at the Orleans Arena on March 24, 2018. | Photo: Getty Images Tamela Mann attends the 33rd Stellar Gospel Music Awards at the Orleans Arena on March 24, 2018. | Photo: Getty Images](
Tamela Mann attends the 33rd Stellar Gospel Music Awards at the Orleans Arena on March 24, 2018. | Photo: Getty Images
The first slide was a video of David and a desperate Tamela, who was hilariously desperate to have accidentally given her hairdresser the green light to publish the photo they had been working on together, to announce her new musical project in progress.
However, Tamela fans couldn’t be more grateful for the mix because the photo was beautiful, but it also announced good news that their long wait and wait for Tamela’s new music was over.
The photo in the second slide showed a beautiful Tamela in a close-fitting electric blue dress that fell to her feet and silky black locks that were so long that they reached her knees. The bold text on the photo read: “NEW MUSIC COMING.” It was a great perfect revelation.
Tamela’s significant weight loss has inspired many others to jump in the cart, including her daughter, Tiffany.
Tamela’s new stun is not just a recent development. The singer did a lot of work to achieve her dream body when she save the weight loss journeyon the fast track and started working productively to lose weight in 2019.
Tamela’s dedication led her to become anambassador for “Weight Watchers”a weight loss business. Thanks to her hard work and determination, Tamela was able to support 50 pounds in January 2020. She went on Instagram with a festive photo of her new figure andwrote:
“50 pounds lighter, and I feel amazing! @Ww #tamelamann.”
Her new physique was a wonderful sight for her fans as they noted how happier the singer looked at the progress she had made.
Tamela couldn’t help but constantly praise Weight Watchers for seeing her through the life-changing period in which she discovered herself and renewed her lifestyle in her quest to lose weight.
Throughout her journey, she never hesitated to keep her fans informed, giving them a glimpse of what she was eating and what she was doing to reach her goal. Her too marked 40 pounds down milestone with a little party with balloons and confetti, take to Instagram to share the news.
The fifty-four year old starrevealed that Weight Watchers programs were never intended to be just a “diet” but rather a way of life to adopt. His significant progress has inspired many others to jump into the car and grab the reins, including his daughter, Tiffany.
Tamela also told “Essence” that she might not have been able to go so far without the love and support that her husband, David, had shown her. Now she looks better than ever, and with her new music coming out soon, the actress has never felt more at the top of the world.
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