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Kate Middleton officially overtakes Meghan Markle as the biggest fashion influencer in 2020


Kate Middleton officially overtook Meghan Markle as the biggest royal fashion influencer this year.

When the Duchess of Sussex, 38, joined The Firm in 2017, the "Meghan effect" saw buyers go wild for everything she wore; but since Megxit, its influence on fashion has diminished considerably, according to data compiled by

Given the popularity of her outfits from 2017 to 2019, Meghan's fashion choices cause an average increase of 216% in online demand.

However, since the announcement that she and Prince Harry are retiring as members of the royal family, Meghan's influence on online fashion research is no more than 31%.

In contrast, Kate's looks in 2020 have so far caused a 159% increase – a noticeable increase from the 119% average increase in searches for her outfits between 2017 and 2019.

In January, Kate, 38, and Meghan went out in coats from Spanish brand Massimo Dutti – and while the two proved popular, Kate was searched eight times more online than Meghan.

Kate Middleton (pictured left at the Christmas service in Sandringham in 2018) has officially surpassed Meghan Markle (right) as this year's greatest royal fashion influencer

Kate Middleton (pictured left at the Christmas service in Sandringham in 2018) has officially surpassed Meghan Markle (right) as this year's greatest royal fashion influencer

The decline of the "Meghan effect"

From 2017 to 2019, the “ Meghan Effect & amp; # 39; had officially surpassed the “ Kate Effect '' & amp; #8211; but since Harry and Meghan announced their move to North America, his outfits have not been as successful as in previous years.

The diminishing effect is particularly noticeable when it comes to the Duchess of Sussex's signature dresses – notably the red dress by London designer Safiyaa on Saturday.

The declaration dress worn by Meghan at the Royal Albert Hall was very similar to a blue dress by the same designer that she wore in Fiji in 2018.

The blue dress had a much greater impact on buyers, with a 223% search for “ Safiyaa dresses ''. in the days following the state dinner.

In comparison, the red dress only sparked a 38% increase in searches last week.

Meghan wore a red dress by London designer Safiyaa on Saturday at the Mountbatten Festival of Music at the Royal Albert Hall

Meghan wore a blue dress by the same designer at a state dinner in Fiji in 2018

Meghan Markle wore a blue dress by London designer Safiyaa in Fiji in 2018 (right), which was much better than her red dress (left) from the same brand, worn last weekend at the Mountbatten music festival at Royal Albert Hall. in London

Kate's coat was more popular

In January of this year, Kate wore a Massimo Dutti camel coat at a charity event in Cardiff, Wales. On the same day, Meghan posted photos of a secret visit to her Mayhew's charity earlier this month, bearing the exact same brand.

But analysis based on Google's combined searches and Brits' pageviews revealed that in the weeks after the two photos of the Duchesses were posted, Kate's look was much more popular.

In fact, the evidence showed that the Duchess of Cambridge's coat was searched eight times more than Meghan's.

Kate's coat was represented eight times more than that of Meghan

Meghan wore a coat of the same brand

In January, Kate, 38, and Meghan went out with coats from the Spanish brand Massimo Dutti. Although the two have proven popular, Kate has been searched eight times more online than Meghan.

Kate's most influential look in 2020

The Duchess of Cambridge's most influential look to date has come on the third day of her recent royal tour of the Republic of Ireland.

Kate donned the country's national colors on the third day in Galway, wearing an elegant look in an Alexander McQueen trench coat and a vintage polka dot dress from Suzannah London.

The duchess paired the look with a chic Jimmy Choo clutch and a pair of black Ralph Lauren suede boots.

Although the outfit was a huge success, it was the recycled coat from McQueen – one of Kate's favorite brands – that sent buyers into a fashion frenzy.

Demand for Alexander McQueen increased 233% online – and trench coat searches increased 93% in the past week.

Kate Middleton looking for an Alexander McQueen trench coat and vintage polka dot dress Suzannah London in Galway, Ireland, last week

Kate Middleton looking for an Alexander McQueen trench coat and vintage polka dot dress Suzannah London in Galway, Ireland, last week

Meghan's most influential outfit of the year

The Duchess of Sussex's most popular look of the year so far has come from one of her last engagements as a royal senior in the UK, where she delivered a speech Powerful in honor of International Women's Day at a school in Dagenham, in east London.

Meghan wore a cream ME and EM curly jacket with black Alexander McQueen pants, nude Jennifer Chamandi pumps and a Rejina Pyo cloth bag.

On Friday, she made the surprise engagement at Robert Clack Graduate School in Dagenham and urged schoolchildren to “ protect the women in your life ''.

The cream jacket was a huge hit with buyers, selling in hours, and searches for “ curly jackets '' increased 92% in the days following the event.

The Duchess of Sussex wore a cream ME and EM curly jacket, Alexander McQueen black pants, Jennifer Chamandi nude pumps and a Rejina Pyo cloth bag for a Dagenham engagement last week

The Duchess of Sussex wore a cream ME and EM curly jacket, Alexander McQueen black pants, Jennifer Chamandi nude pumps and a Rejina Pyo cloth bag for a Dagenham engagement last week

Britons love Kate's casual clothes

Kate is often represented in glamorous brands like Jimmy Choo and Alexander McQueen, but it was her affordable looks in 2020 that caught the attention of buyers.

Out of 20 of her looks that have been analyzed so far this year, 11 have featured street brands, with likes such as Mango, Zara and Reiss all benefiting from the duchess who chooses their clothes.

The most notable beneficiary was the loyal British High Street Marks & Spencer; The Duchess of Cambridge wore her incredibly affordable white sneakers for a SportsAid event in February.

The vegan-friendly shoes, which cost only 29.50, have been a huge hit with UK buyers, causing a 165% increase in online demand.

They were searched more than 2,000 times and sold within hours on the Marks & Spencer website. M&S said the popular coaches will return in April.

Race stripes: Kate Middleton wore M&S shoes as she ran Jessica Ennis-Hill and tried taekwondo at a SportsAid event at London Stadium

Race stripes: Kate Middleton wore M&S shoes as she ran Jessica Ennis-Hill and tried taekwondo at a SportsAid event at London Stadium

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