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Made in America: Save on July 4 sales with these American products


Purchasing products made in the United States can support local economies and American workers, and it can even lead to a smaller environmental footprint than those shipped from abroad. If you’re feeling patriotic this Independence Day weekend, here’s a list of sales from companies that stock products made in the United States.

House and kitchen

Barbecues galore offers up to 40% off select products when sold July 4, including products made in the U.S. Weber grills and accessories, and Lovinflames fire table and flue chimney.

BBQ Guys offers you up to 60% discount on the essentials of outdoor cooking. All BBQGuys Outdoor kitchen components and accessories are made in the United States and are guaranteed for life on stainless steel parts. The site also offers discounts on certain products from American manufacturers Lynx Grills, Twin eagles and Peterson real fyre.

Cooking aids The July 4 sale promises price reductions on more than 150 of the brand’s major appliances, including refrigerators, ovens and dishwashers. (Free shipping on purchases over $ 399.) You can also get a 10% discount on countertop devices when you sign up to receive brand emails. The brand’s famous stand mixers have been produced in the Ohio factory since the 1940s. However, there is no agreement on mixers.

WayfairS clearance sale allows you to get up to 70% off certain items. The biggest discounts are up to 60% discount bedding and garden furniture. Although not all products on the site are made in the United States, you can search made in the USA to find a good selection that are.

On the table touts offers on All-Clad kitchen utensils and appliances handcrafted from United States-made steel at the Pennsylvania plant. You can get up to 60% off many other essentials in the kitchen Summer sale, although all the marks of the site are not of American manufacture.

Vitamix offers a free container of $ 50 with the purchase of one of their mixers, designed and assembled in the United States

Get $ 200 off Weber SmokeFire Grills, made in the United States with global components. Use them to sear, grill and spice up your outdoor cooking game by adding a rich, smoky flavor to food.


Eco Terra beds offers a 10% discount on its award-winning handcrafted mattresses, made with natural latex, recycled steel coils and organic wool and cotton from sustainable sources.

Helix Sleep organize a special offer with discounts of $ 200 + 2 free pillows. The company is known for its customizable mattresses and online sleep quiz that will help you find the best one for your sleep style.

Get $ 200 off Sending in progress Mattress, appreciated for its construction which saves the back and which includes an organic cotton pillow on a layer of memory foam, two layers of springs and a poly foam base.

Men’s clothing and men’s shoes

Allan Edmonds men’s boots and shoes are still handmade in Wisconsin, and current brands warehouse sale promises up to 75 percent off a variety of styles.

American trench promises 20% reduction on the whole site until July 5 (use the code: FIREWORKS). The centerpiece of the company is its luxury trench coat made in New Jersey, but you will also find accessories ranging from hats to socks, all made in the United States. Get 10% off your first order when you add your name to their mailing list.

Bonobos organize a 30% sale on the whole site (use the code: STAYFROSTY) on men’s clothing. The company’s signature product is comfortable, well-fitting pants (made in Philadelphia), but you can also buy shirts, swimwear, blazers, and golf shirts on the site.

Until July 6, Brooks Brothers offers you a 30% discount on the purchase of three or more t-shirts, polo shirts and other men’s clothing. The company, which is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year, still manufactures the vast majority of its products in the United States.

During the manufacturer of robust clothing Filsons Summer sale, you can get up to 50% off men’s shirts, Ts and many more. The Seattle-based brand has been in business since 1897 and is a favorite with fishing and boating enthusiasts, explorers and, as they say, anyone who refuses to stay indoors.

Women’s clothing and beauty products

Enjoy 45% markdowns from the lingerie manufacturer Hanky ​​Panky, specializing in innovative and comfortable underwear made in the United States (including the most comfortable thong in the world) since 1977.

Save 25% on regular prices across the site Karen Kane dresses, tops and other basics for women for your summer wardrobe. Most of the clothing is made in California. Use code: JULY4TH for sale prices + get free shipping on orders over $ 100.

Michael Stars has a summer sale on his durable American-made clothing. Save 20% when you spend $ 100 (use code: SUMMER20), 25% when you spend $ 250 (use code: SUMMER25) and 30% if you spend $ 500 (use code: SUMMER30). The family-run business run by women makes most of their clothing in Los Angeles.

Need to be pampered? Get 30% discount Philosophy bath and beauty products (use code: VIP30), including bestsellers such as One Step Purity Face Wash.

Enjoy discounts of up to 60% on certain styles from the clothing company So Calbased Rachel Pally, named for its founder and specialized in casual chic clothing for women of all shapes, sizes and ages. Expecting mothers can also find maternity items. The line is manufactured in downtown LA and the majority of its employees are women.

Enjoy Skin stores July 4th sale (use code: JULY4), offering a 70% reduction on certain body care, make-up and beauty products from Brands made in the United States.

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