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Berridge wins New York State Amateur in record fashion

Berridge wins New York State Amateur in record fashion


Berridge wins New York State Amateur in record fashion

Charlie Berridge (photo NYSGA)

Charlie Berridge (photo NYSGA)

The final round of the 99th New York State Men’s Amateur Championship ended in a record-breaking performance Thursday at Onondaga Golf & Country Club in Fayetteville, NY. First-time winner Charlie Berridge of Wykagyl Country Club broke the New York State men’s amateur record for the lowest total score in championship history with a 14-under performance over four innings.

The Westchester native entered the final 36 holes at Onondaga Golf & Country Club on Thursday at 7 under, level with RaNic Nic Whittaker Golf Clubs. Berridge took a one-stroke lead after the third inning Thursday morning, recording seven birdies in the process.

Elsewhere on the course, Brook-Lea Country Clubs Jason Lohwater was at a low. He shot a third round 66 to make it tight going into the fourth and final round of the afternoon.

Lohwater entered the fourth round just one stroke behind Berridge but took the lead after birdie No. 3 and Berridge bogey No. 2.

Lohwaters’ only major slip in the final round came in the form of a double bogey on the par-3 eighth and from that point he would never regain the lead.

Berridge, who is a member of the University of California men’s golf team, birdied an impressive four on the back nine to retire and claim the championship by three strokes.

He shot a 270 and broke the par record which was ten years after Dominic Bozzellis’ mark in 2012 at Elmira. Lohwater would have tied the record if Berridge hadn’t smashed it.

Whittaker was in contention for much of the day but couldn’t keep pace with the onslaught of birdies that Berridge produced. Neither was River Oaks Golf Clubs James Blackwell, who was tied for third after the first two rounds. He finished tied for fifth at 4 under 280.

I started this morning, I played the back nine really well all day, the putter was working,” Berridge said.

Berridge is the second Scarsdale High School product in as many years to win this event, following James Allen in 2021.

I was very proud of [Allen] when he won last year, and I came here thinking it would be nice to have back-to-back Scarsdale High School guys winning,” Berridge said. We have a little friendly rivalry, so it feels good that he gives me the trophy.

Lohwater finished at 11-under 273, four strokes ahead of Whittaker, who finished third.

I’ve worked really hard this summer and haven’t always played so well in my events,” Lohwater said. It’s the one you look forward to at the end of the year. It’s a really prestigious event and it feels good to play as I know I can.

Shane Broad stayed in the mix on the final day shooting a 68 in the third round. But the Crag Burn Golf Club member shot a 2 of 73 in his final round to drop to fourth in the tournament.

Tied with Blackwell was Matthew Ferrari of the Metropolis Country Club. He shot 71 and 70 on Thursday to finish in fifth place.

Jiarong Liu of Irondequoit Country Club tied for seventh. In the morning, he posted one of the tournament’s lowest rounds with 65 to push up the standings, followed by a final round of 76 and a 1-under 283 total.

2021 champion Allen of Scarsdale Golf Club also finished at 283.

The 20 lowest golfers and ties earn a bye into next year’s 100th NYS Men’s Amateur Championship, to be held at Wykagyl Country Club in New Rochelle.

For the final 36 holes, the course played to 6,638 yards and a par of 71.

ABOUT New York State Amateur

This championship is a 72-hole stroke play competition over three days. The course will be cut after 36 holes to the lowest 40 players and ties. Entries will be limited to male amateur golfers who enjoy membership privileges at clubs owned by the New York State Golf Association or who are associate members of the NYSGA.

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