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White House Independence Day Style Over the Years


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July 4 is considered the birthday of the United States and, of course, the first family generally celebrates spectacularly.

Of course, for the Obama family, July 4 is more than Independence Day: it also marks the birthday of President Barack Obamas’ eldest daughter, Malia. For her birthday in 2016, Malia celebrated a party at the White House, wearing a striped crop top and slightly faded jeans while the president sang his happy birthday. The celebration also included a performance by Janelle Monae.

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Despite the date in conflict with his daughters’ birthday, President Obama usually organized a barbecue for soldiers and their families on the day of his presidency and each year, the first lady Michelle Obama chose a patriotic set for the festivities. For example, in 2011, she opted for a striking red and blue patterned dress from Sophie Theallet, which she paired with black embellished sandals.

Two years later, the author Becoming made another patriotic choice, choosing a Boy ombr. by Band of Outsiders dress. She paired the dress with dark red pumps with low heels. Meanwhile, the president looked dapper in a red collared shirt and the persimmons are a dad-friendly version of the dressy barbecue look.

While in 2013 Michelle opted for blue and her husband for red, the pair changed color in 2015. In that year, the first lady wore a red and white gingham dress by Michael Kors, associated with metal flats. President Obama wore a blue button-down collar shirt tucked into jeans, completing the outfit with brown laces.

Most recently, President Donald Trump celebrated July 4, 2019 with a celebration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.The president wore a classic dark suit with a red tie and an American flag pin on his lapel. Meanwhile, first lady Melania Trump challenged the red, white and blue tradition in a Carolina Herrera dress with multi-colored stripes. For shoes, the old model selected very high hot pink pumps from Christian Louboutin.

And going back in time, President George Bush celebrated July 4, 2003 by welcoming a special guest: Dolly Parton. The country singer arrived at the White House in a tight white suit with American flags on the labels, before going to the National Mall for a performance.

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