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DeKalb students speak out against dress code – Decaturish

DeKalb students speak out against dress code – Decaturish


By Logan C. Ritchie, Contributor

DeKalb County, Georgia — Seventh grader Gabby Rosen was on the podium in front of the DeKalb County School Board on September 12. If she was nervous, it didn’t show. She firmly and politely told the school board that the dress code policy is so restrictive and strict that it lost its original purpose.

I had a dress code for ripped jeans, and I didn’t think that was right. So naturally, I started complaining. [My mother] told me that complaining would get me nowhere because it was not school policy. It was district policy, Rosen told Decaturish.

His mother told him: “If you want to change anything, it is up to the school board to do it.

During her three-minute public comment, Rosen offered school board members a compromise: Allow ripped jeans and tank tops, with slight restrictions.

Although the dress code may be stricter to mimic a work environment, we are not professionals. We are students, Rosen told the school board.

Rosen, who has been attending the DeKalb County School District (DCSD) since kindergarten, noticed that administrators at Chamblee Middle School were not telling students about the dress code the first week of school. Students soon began to be disciplined for ripped jeans, exposed shoulders, and shorts that were too short.

People thought what they wore the first week would look good the second week, and it didn’t, Rosen said, adding that boys rarely get called out for dress code violations.

On the first day the dress code was enforced, a line of students lined the hallway to call home and ask for a change of clothes. About 40 students have been reported, Rosen estimates. Since then, the number of students has decreased, but remains around 15 students per day.

A student may call home for the first incident. For the second incident, the student is sent to In School Suspension (ISS).

To me, it comes across as a mix of priorities. We were running out of class time, the vast majority of us because of slightly torn jeans or tank tops. Shouldn’t the school district’s first priority be the education of its students? Rosen asked the school board.

The dress code has the same consequence as the fight at school

Laura Brown, mother of two DCSD girls, also spoke at the school board meeting.

Just last week a teacher at my daughter’s school told a girl in seventh grade that her shorts were too short and she sent her to the ISS. There she was made to lift her shirt so the teacher could see the top of her shorts to see how far down her shorts were, Brown told the school board. If this happens again, she will receive a two-day suspension from school. This is the same penalty as for combat. Do we really equate wearing shorts with combat?

Brown said not only are girls disciplined for the dress code far more often than boys, girls are told their clothes distract the boys around them.

This is not an acceptable message to send to college girls, it sexualizes their bodies and suggests that they are responsible for the behavior of others, Brown told Decaturish. And surely we expect boys to be responsible for their own actions.

What about the code of conduct survey?

The dress code is a system-wide policy included in the DCSD Code of Conduct. Students’ clothing can affect their safety, and their appearance can positively or negatively impact a school’s climate.

DCSD interrogates parents, teachers and community stakeholders in April asking for feedback on the 2022-23 code of conduct, including policies on dress code, behavior and devices.

DCSD spokesperson Donald Porter said, “Feedback regarding stakeholder input into adjustments to the Student Code of Conduct generated by the annual district survey was greatly appreciated. From a practical point of view, not all suggestions can be implemented. However, each was presented to a review board for consideration.

Here is the 2021-22 Code of Conduct:

Specific to the dress code, stakeholders suggested a range of solutions from banning shorts altogether to implementing uniforms for all students. Stakeholders have repeatedly called for more specific rules, lower consequences and better enforcement by administrators. Suggestions included:

– Remove gendered words (such as cleavage) to simplify and reduce prohibitions and to frame the dress code more in terms of general principles/priorities that the district wishes to emphasize in terms of dress (safety first) rather than on the application of specific types of prohibited clothing.

— Replace the consequences of dress code violations with the consequences of rude behavior, bullying, vagrancy, obscenities, etc.

— Provide training to all school personnel on appropriate actions and language when enforcing the dress code.

Some suggestions have been incorporated into the Dress code for the 2022-23 school year.

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