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Alia Bhatt vs Karisma Kapoor: Who wore the rainbow long dress best?


As the nationwide lockdown continues due to the country’s coronavirus, not only are people failing to get out of the house, but also to spot fashion clashes between Bollywood divas. While people remembered some of the best fashion clashes in the recent past, we came across this flattering between two popular actors, Alia Bhatt and Karisma Kapoor. The two opted for the maxi dress in rainbow colors, but in different shades. Let’s take a look at some photos and decide who has worn the maxi dress best.

Alia Bhatt

(Image credit: Yogen Shah)

Alia Bhatt was pretty in a simple long pleated dress in rainbow color from the brand Missoni. the Raazi actorgave a healthy fashion inspiration for summer outfits in this outfit. The actor’s outfit wore a wrap style top to his waist, and from waist to toe, his outfit was a simple pleated skirt. Alias’s hair was styled in beach waves and tufts and pulled halfway. For glam, the actress sought out her favorite look, which included a pinkish glow with peach cheeks and a multitude of highlighters. A beautiful pair of strappy stilettos has completed its magnificent look.

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Karisma Kapoor

Alia Bhatt Karisma Kapoor Photos of Alia Bhatt Karisma kapoor

(Image credit: Kaisma Kapoor Fanpage)

On the other hand, the similar dress of Karisma Kapoors was in the rainbow shade, but it had more darker colors. The dress hugged the Raja Hindustani actor up to his waist, and from waist to toe, his ensemble opened in a massive flared skirt with loads of folds. Karisma Kapoors’ hair was pulled into a simple low ponytail. The actress completed her look with baby pink stiletto pumps. Karima turned and made a toothy smile in the lovely dress in the photo.

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Work side

On a professional level, Alia Bhattis is currently preparing for her next,Gangubai Kathiawadi. Helmedby Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the film depicts the life story of Gangubai, who was a powerful woman in the 60s and known as Madame de Kamathipura for her ties to the underworld. With Alia Bhatt in the main role, the film should be released in theaters on September 11, 2020. It will also be seen inSadak 2, BrahmastraandRRR.On the other hand, Karisma Kapoor made a special appearance in Aanand L Rai’sZerowhich was released in 2018. His last film as first woman was in 2013, which was Vikram BhattDangerous ishhq.

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